feat: fetching blog data
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@ -212,7 +212,7 @@ export const Header = () => {
@ -1 +0,0 @@
export const BlogPage = () => <>WIP</>
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Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,227 @@
import { LoadingSpinner } from 'components/LoadingSpinner'
import { ProfileSection } from 'components/ProfileSection'
import { useLoaderData } from 'react-router-dom'
import { BlogDetails } from 'types'
export const BlogPage = () => {
const data = useLoaderData() as Partial<BlogDetails>
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<p className="IBMSMSMBSSPost_PDElementText">01/11/2024</p>
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<p className="IBMSMSMBSSPost_PDElementText">24/11/2024</p>
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{!!data.author && <ProfileSection pubkey={data.author} />}
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
import { filterForEventsTaggingId, NDKEvent } from '@nostr-dev-kit/ndk'
import { NDKContextType } from 'contexts/NDKContext'
import { LoaderFunctionArgs, redirect } from 'react-router-dom'
import { toast } from 'react-toastify'
import { appRoutes } from 'routes'
import { BlogDetails } from 'types'
import {
} from 'utils'
export const blogRouteLoader =
(ndkContext: NDKContextType) =>
async ({ params }: LoaderFunctionArgs) => {
const { naddr } = params
if (!naddr) {
log(true, LogType.Error, 'Required naddr.')
return redirect(appRoutes.blogs)
try {
const filter = filterForEventsTaggingId(naddr)
if (!filter) {
log(true, LogType.Error, 'Unable to create filter from blog naddr.')
return redirect(appRoutes.blogs)
const event = await ndkContext.fetchEvent(filter)
if (event) {
const blogDetails = extractBlogDetails(event)
return blogDetails
return null
} catch (error) {
'An error occurred in fetching blog details from relays',
toast.error('An error occurred in fetching mod details from relays')
return redirect(appRoutes.blogs)
function extractBlogDetails(event: NDKEvent): Partial<BlogDetails> {
return {
title: getFirstTagValue(event, 'title'),
content: event.content,
summary: getFirstTagValue(event, 'summary'),
image: getFirstTagValue(event, 'image'),
nsfw: getFirstTagValue(event, 'nsfw') === 'true',
id: event.id,
author: event.pubkey,
published_at: getFirstTagValueAsInt(event, 'published_at'),
edited_at: event.created_at,
rTag: getFirstTagValue(event, 'r') || 'N/A',
dTag: getFirstTagValue(event, 'd'),
aTag: getFirstTagValue(event, 'a'),
tTags: getTagValue(event, 't') || []
@ -3,7 +3,6 @@ import { NDKContextType } from 'contexts/NDKContext'
import { Layout } from 'layout'
import { SearchPage } from '../pages/search'
import { AboutPage } from '../pages/about'
import { BlogsPage } from '../pages/blogs'
import { GamesPage } from '../pages/games'
import { HomePage } from '../pages/home'
import { ModPage } from '../pages/mod'
@ -18,7 +17,9 @@ import { FeedPage } from '../pages/feed'
import { NotificationsPage } from '../pages/notifications'
import { WritePage } from '../pages/write'
import { writeRouteAction } from '../pages/write/action'
import { BlogsPage } from 'pages/blogs'
import { BlogPage } from 'pages/blog'
import { blogRouteLoader } from 'pages/blog/loader'
export const appRoutes = {
index: '/',
@ -29,7 +30,7 @@ export const appRoutes = {
mod: '/mod/:naddr',
about: '/about',
blogs: '/blogs',
blog: '/blog/:naddr',
blog: '/blogs/:naddr',
submitMod: '/submit-mod',
editMod: '/edit-mod/:naddr',
write: '/write',
@ -93,7 +94,8 @@ export const routerWithNdkContext = (context: NDKContextType) =>
path: appRoutes.blog,
element: <BlogPage />
element: <BlogPage />,
loader: blogRouteLoader(context)
path: appRoutes.submitMod,
@ -10,12 +10,24 @@ export interface BlogDetails {
author: string
published_at: number
edited_at: number
rTag: string
dTag: string
aTag: string
tTags: string[]
export interface BlogFormSubmit
extends Omit<
'nsfw' | 'id' | 'author' | 'published_at' | 'edited_at'
| 'nsfw'
| 'id'
| 'author'
| 'published_at'
| 'edited_at'
| 'rTag'
| 'dTag'
| 'aTag'
| 'tTag'
> {
nsfw: string
@ -65,6 +65,22 @@ export const getTagValue = (
return null
export const getFirstTagValue = (
event: Event | NDKEvent,
tagIdentifier: string
) => {
const tags = getTagValue(event, tagIdentifier)
return tags && tags.length ? tags[0] : undefined
export const getFirstTagValueAsInt = (
event: Event | NDKEvent,
tagIdentifier: string
) => {
const value = getFirstTagValue(event, tagIdentifier)
return value ? parseInt(value, 10) : undefined
* @param hexKey hex private or public key
* @returns whether or not is key valid
Reference in New Issue
Block a user