import '../styles/cardBlogs.css' type BlogCardProps = { backgroundLink: string } export const BlogCard = ({ backgroundLink }: BlogCardProps) => { return ( <a className='cardBlogMainWrapperLink' href='blog-inner.html'> <div className='cardBlogMain' style={{ background: `url("${backgroundLink}") center / cover no-repeat` }} > <div className='cardBlogMainInside' > <h3 style={{ display: '-webkit-box', WebkitBoxOrient: 'vertical', overflow: 'hidden', WebkitLineClamp: 2, fontSize: '20px', lineHeight: 1.5, color: 'rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.75)', textShadow: '0 0 8px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.25)' }} > This is a blog title, the best blog title in the world! </h3> </div> </div>{' '} </a> ) }