import { NDKEvent, NDKFilter, NDKKind, NDKSubscriptionCacheUsage, NDKUserProfile, NostrEvent, profileFromEvent } from '@nostr-dev-kit/ndk' import { ErrorBoundary } from 'components/ErrorBoundary' import { GameCard } from 'components/GameCard' import { ModCard } from 'components/ModCard' import { ModFilter } from 'components/ModsFilter' import { Pagination } from 'components/Pagination' import { Profile } from 'components/ProfileSection' import { SearchInput } from 'components/SearchInput' import { MAX_GAMES_PER_PAGE, MAX_MODS_PER_PAGE, T_TAG_VALUE } from 'constants.ts' import { useAppSelector, useFilteredMods, useGames, useLocalStorage, useMuteLists, useNDKContext, useNSFWList } from 'hooks' import React, { useEffect, useMemo, useRef, useState } from 'react' import { useSearchParams } from 'react-router-dom' import { FilterOptions, ModDetails, ModeratedFilter, MuteLists } from 'types' import { DEFAULT_FILTER_OPTIONS, extractModData, isModDataComplete, scrollIntoView } from 'utils' enum SearchKindEnum { Mods = 'Mods', Games = 'Games', Users = 'Users' } export const SearchPage = () => { const scrollTargetRef = useRef(null) const [searchParams, setSearchParams] = useSearchParams() const muteLists = useMuteLists() const nsfwList = useNSFWList() const searchTermRef = useRef(null) const searchKind = (searchParams.get('kind') as SearchKindEnum) || SearchKindEnum.Mods const [filterOptions] = useLocalStorage( 'filter', DEFAULT_FILTER_OPTIONS ) const [searchTerm, setSearchTerm] = useState(searchParams.get('q') || '') const handleSearch = () => { const value = searchTermRef.current?.value || '' // Access the input value from the ref setSearchTerm(value) if (value) { searchParams.set('q', value) } else { searchParams.delete('q') } setSearchParams(searchParams, { replace: true }) } // Handle "Enter" key press inside the input const handleKeyDown = (event: React.KeyboardEvent) => { if (event.key === 'Enter') { handleSearch() } } return (

Search:  {searchTerm}

{searchKind === SearchKindEnum.Mods && ( )} {searchKind === SearchKindEnum.Users && ( )} {searchKind === SearchKindEnum.Games && ( )}
) } const Filters = React.memo(() => { const [filterOptions, setFilterOptions] = useLocalStorage( 'filter', DEFAULT_FILTER_OPTIONS ) const userState = useAppSelector((state) => state.user) const [searchParams, setSearchParams] = useSearchParams() const searchKind = (searchParams.get('kind') as SearchKindEnum) || SearchKindEnum.Mods const handleChangeSearchKind = (kind: SearchKindEnum) => { searchParams.set('kind', kind) setSearchParams(searchParams, { replace: true }) } return (
{searchKind === SearchKindEnum.Mods && } {searchKind === SearchKindEnum.Users && (
{Object.values(ModeratedFilter).map((item, index) => { if (item === ModeratedFilter.Unmoderated_Fully) { const isAdmin = userState.user?.npub === import.meta.env.VITE_REPORTING_NPUB if (!isAdmin) return null } return (
setFilterOptions((prev) => ({ ...prev, moderated: item })) } > {item}
) })}
{Object.values(SearchKindEnum).map((item, index) => (
handleChangeSearchKind(item)} > {item}
) }) type ModsResultProps = { filterOptions: FilterOptions searchTerm: string muteLists: { admin: MuteLists user: MuteLists } nsfwList: string[] el: HTMLElement | null } const ModsResult = ({ filterOptions, searchTerm, muteLists, nsfwList, el }: ModsResultProps) => { const { ndk } = useNDKContext() const [mods, setMods] = useState([]) const [page, setPage] = useState(1) const userState = useAppSelector((state) => state.user) useEffect(() => { const filter: NDKFilter = { kinds: [NDKKind.Classified], '#t': [T_TAG_VALUE] } const subscription = ndk.subscribe(filter, { cacheUsage: NDKSubscriptionCacheUsage.PARALLEL, closeOnEose: true }) subscription.on('event', (ndkEvent) => { if (isModDataComplete(ndkEvent)) { const mod = extractModData(ndkEvent) setMods((prev) => { if (prev.find((e) => e.aTag === mod.aTag)) return [...prev] return [...prev, mod] }) } }) // Cleanup function to stop all subscriptions return () => { subscription.stop() } }, [ndk]) useEffect(() => { scrollIntoView(el) setPage(1) // eslint-disable-next-line react-hooks/exhaustive-deps }, [searchTerm]) const filteredMods = useMemo(() => { // Search page requires search term if (searchTerm === '') return [] const lowerCaseSearchTerm = searchTerm.toLowerCase() const filterFn = (mod: ModDetails) => mod.title.toLowerCase().includes(lowerCaseSearchTerm) || || mod.summary.toLowerCase().includes(lowerCaseSearchTerm) || mod.body.toLowerCase().includes(lowerCaseSearchTerm) || mod.tags.findIndex((tag) => tag.toLowerCase().includes(lowerCaseSearchTerm) ) > -1 const filterSourceFn = (mod: ModDetails) => { // Filter by source if selected if (filterOptions.source === { return mod.rTag === filterOptions.source } return true } return mods.filter(filterFn).filter(filterSourceFn) }, [filterOptions.source, mods, searchTerm]) const filteredModList = useFilteredMods( filteredMods, userState, filterOptions, nsfwList, muteLists ) const handleNext = () => { scrollIntoView(el) setPage((prev) => prev + 1) } const handlePrev = () => { scrollIntoView(el) setPage((prev) => prev - 1) } return ( <>
{filteredModList .slice((page - 1) * MAX_MODS_PER_PAGE, page * MAX_MODS_PER_PAGE) .map((mod) => ( ))}
) } type UsersResultProps = { searchTerm: string moderationFilter: ModeratedFilter muteLists: { admin: MuteLists user: MuteLists } } const UsersResult = ({ searchTerm, moderationFilter, muteLists }: UsersResultProps) => { const { ndk } = useNDKContext() const [profiles, setProfiles] = useState([]) const userState = useAppSelector((state) => state.user) useEffect(() => { if (searchTerm === '') { setProfiles([]) } else { const sub = ndk.subscribe( { kinds: [NDKKind.Metadata], search: searchTerm }, { closeOnEose: true, cacheUsage: NDKSubscriptionCacheUsage.PARALLEL }, undefined, false ) // Stop the sub after 10 seconds if we are still searching the same term as before window.setTimeout(() => { if ( === searchTerm) { sub.stop() } }, 10000) const onEvent = (event: NostrEvent | NDKEvent) => { if (!(event instanceof NDKEvent)) event = new NDKEvent(undefined, event) const dedupKey = event.deduplicationKey() const existingEvent = events.get(dedupKey) if (existingEvent) { event = dedup(existingEvent, event) } event.ndk = this events.set(dedupKey, event) // We can't rely on the 'eose' to arrive // Instead we repeat and sort results on each event const ndkEvents = Array.from(events.values()) const profiles: NDKUserProfile[] = [] ndkEvents.forEach((event) => { try { const profile = profileFromEvent(event) profiles.push(profile) } catch (error) { // If we are unable to parse silently skip over the errors } }) setProfiles(profiles) } // Clear previous results const events = new Map() // Bind handler and start the sub sub.on('event', onEvent) sub.start() return () => { sub.stop() } } }, [ndk, searchTerm]) const filteredProfiles = useMemo(() => { let filtered = [...profiles] const isAdmin = userState.user?.npub === import.meta.env.VITE_REPORTING_NPUB const isUnmoderatedFully = moderationFilter === ModeratedFilter.Unmoderated_Fully // Only apply filtering if the user is not an admin or the admin has not selected "Unmoderated Fully" if (!(isAdmin && isUnmoderatedFully)) { filtered = filtered.filter( (profile) => !muteLists.admin.authors.includes(profile.pubkey as string) ) } if (moderationFilter === ModeratedFilter.Moderated) { filtered = filtered.filter( (profile) => !muteLists.user.authors.includes(profile.pubkey as string) ) } return filtered }, [userState.user?.npub, moderationFilter, profiles, muteLists]) return ( <>
{ => { if (profile.pubkey) { return ( ) } return null })}
) } type GamesResultProps = { searchTerm: string } const GamesResult = ({ searchTerm }: GamesResultProps) => { const games = useGames() const [page, setPage] = useState(1) // Reset the page to 1 whenever searchTerm changes useEffect(() => { setPage(1) }, [searchTerm]) const filteredGames = useMemo(() => { if (searchTerm === '') return [] const lowerCaseSearchTerm = searchTerm.toLowerCase() return games.filter((game) => game['Game Name'].toLowerCase().includes(lowerCaseSearchTerm) ) }, [searchTerm, games]) const handleNext = () => { setPage((prev) => prev + 1) } const handlePrev = () => { setPage((prev) => prev - 1) } return ( <>
{filteredGames .slice((page - 1) * MAX_GAMES_PER_PAGE, page * MAX_GAMES_PER_PAGE) .map((game) => ( ))}
) } function dedup(event1: NDKEvent, event2: NDKEvent) { // return the newest of the two if (event1.created_at! > event2.created_at!) { return event1 } return event2 }