import _ from 'lodash' import { Event, kinds, nip19, UnsignedEvent } from 'nostr-tools' import Papa from 'papaparse' import React, { Fragment, useCallback, useEffect, useMemo, useRef, useState } from 'react' import { toast } from 'react-toastify' import { FixedSizeList as List } from 'react-window' import { v4 as uuidv4 } from 'uuid' import { useAppSelector } from '../hooks' import '../styles/styles.css' import { initializeFormState, isReachable, isValidImageUrl, isValidUrl, log, LogType, now } from '../utils' import { CheckboxField, InputError, InputField } from './Inputs' import { RelayController } from '../controllers' import { useNavigate } from 'react-router-dom' import { getModsInnerPageRoute } from '../routes' import { DownloadUrl, ModFormState, ModDetails } from '../types' import { LoadingSpinner } from './LoadingSpinner' import { T_TAG_VALUE } from '../constants' interface FormErrors { game?: string title?: string body?: string featuredImageUrl?: string summary?: string nsfw?: string screenshotsUrls?: string[] tags?: string downloadUrls?: string[] } interface GameOption { value: string label: string } let processedCSV = false type ModFormProps = { existingModData?: ModDetails } export const ModForm = ({ existingModData }: ModFormProps) => { const navigate = useNavigate() const userState = useAppSelector((state) => state.user) const [isPublishing, setIsPublishing] = useState(false) const [gameOptions, setGameOptions] = useState<GameOption[]>([]) const [formState, setFormState] = useState<ModFormState>( initializeFormState(existingModData) ) const [formErrors, setFormErrors] = useState<FormErrors>({}) useEffect(() => { if (processedCSV) return processedCSV = true // Fetch the CSV file from the public folder fetch('/assets/games.csv') .then((response) => response.text()) .then((csvText) => { // Parse the CSV text using PapaParse Papa.parse<{ 'Game Name': string '16 by 9 image': string 'Boxart image': string }>(csvText, { worker: true, header: true, complete: (results) => { const options = => ({ label: row['Game Name'], value: row['Game Name'] })) setGameOptions(options) } }) }) .catch((error) => console.error('Error fetching CSV file:', error)) }, []) const handleInputChange = useCallback((name: string, value: string) => { setFormState((prevState) => ({ ...prevState, [name]: value })) }, []) const handleCheckboxChange = useCallback( (e: React.ChangeEvent<HTMLInputElement>) => { const { name, checked } = setFormState((prevState) => ({ ...prevState, [name]: checked })) }, [] ) const addScreenshotUrl = useCallback(() => { setFormState((prevState) => ({ ...prevState, screenshotsUrls: [...prevState.screenshotsUrls, ''] })) }, []) const removeScreenshotUrl = useCallback((index: number) => { setFormState((prevState) => ({ ...prevState, screenshotsUrls: prevState.screenshotsUrls.filter((_, i) => i !== index) })) }, []) const handleScreenshotUrlChange = useCallback( (index: number, value: string) => { setFormState((prevState) => ({ ...prevState, screenshotsUrls: [, i) => { if (index === i) return value return url }) ] })) }, [] ) const addDownloadUrl = useCallback(() => { setFormState((prevState) => ({ ...prevState, downloadUrls: [ ...prevState.downloadUrls, { url: '', hash: '', signatureKey: '', malwareScanLink: '', modVersion: '', customNote: '' } ] })) }, []) const removeDownloadUrl = useCallback((index: number) => { setFormState((prevState) => ({ ...prevState, downloadUrls: prevState.downloadUrls.filter((_, i) => i !== index) })) }, []) const handleDownloadUrlChange = useCallback( (index: number, field: keyof DownloadUrl, value: string) => { setFormState((prevState) => ({ ...prevState, downloadUrls: [, i) => { if (index === i) url[field] = value return url }) ] })) }, [] ) const handlePublish = async () => { setIsPublishing(true) let hexPubkey: string if (userState.auth && userState.user?.pubkey) { hexPubkey = userState.user.pubkey as string } else { hexPubkey = (await window.nostr?.getPublicKey()) as string } if (!hexPubkey) { toast.error('Could not get pubkey') return } if (!(await validateState())) { setIsPublishing(false) return } const uuid = uuidv4() const currentTimeStamp = now() const unsignedEvent: UnsignedEvent = { kind: kinds.ClassifiedListing, created_at: currentTimeStamp, pubkey: hexPubkey, content: formState.body, tags: [ ['d', formState.dTag || uuid], [ 'a', formState.aTag || `${kinds.ClassifiedListing}:${hexPubkey}:${uuid}` ], ['r', formState.rTag], ['t', T_TAG_VALUE], [ 'published_at', existingModData ? existingModData.published_at.toString() : currentTimeStamp.toString() ], ['game',], ['title', formState.title], ['featuredImageUrl', formState.featuredImageUrl], ['summary', formState.summary], ['nsfw', formState.nsfw.toString()], ['screenshotsUrls', ...formState.screenshotsUrls], ['tags', ...formState.tags.split(',')], [ 'downloadUrls', => JSON.stringify(downloadUrl) ) ] ] } const signedEvent = await window.nostr ?.signEvent(unsignedEvent) .then((event) => event as Event) .catch((err) => { toast.error('Failed to sign the event!') log(true, LogType.Error, 'Failed to sign the event!', err) return null }) if (!signedEvent) { setIsPublishing(false) return } const publishedOnRelays = await RelayController.getInstance().publish( signedEvent as Event ) // Handle cases where publishing failed or succeeded if (publishedOnRelays.length === 0) { toast.error('Failed to publish event on any relay') } else { toast.success( `Event published successfully to the following relays\n\n${publishedOnRelays.join( '\n' )}` ) const nevent = nip19.neventEncode({ id:, author: signedEvent.pubkey, kind: signedEvent.kind, relays: publishedOnRelays }) navigate(getModsInnerPageRoute(nevent)) } setIsPublishing(false) } const validateState = async (): Promise<boolean> => { const errors: FormErrors = {} if ( === '') { = 'Game field can not be empty' } if (formState.title === '') { errors.title = 'Title field can not be empty' } if (formState.body === '') { errors.body = 'Body field can not be empty' } if (formState.featuredImageUrl === '') { errors.featuredImageUrl = 'FeaturedImageUrl field can not be empty' } else if ( !isValidImageUrl(formState.featuredImageUrl) || !(await isReachable(formState.featuredImageUrl)) ) { errors.featuredImageUrl = 'FeaturedImageUrl must be a valid and reachable image URL' } if (formState.summary === '') { errors.summary = 'Summary field can not be empty' } if (formState.screenshotsUrls.length === 0) { errors.screenshotsUrls = ['Required at least one screenshot url'] } else { for (let i = 0; i < formState.screenshotsUrls.length; i++) { const url = formState.screenshotsUrls[i] if ( !isValidUrl(url) || !isValidImageUrl(url) || !(await isReachable(url)) ) { if (!errors.screenshotsUrls) errors.screenshotsUrls = Array(formState.screenshotsUrls.length) errors.screenshotsUrls![i] = 'All screenshot URLs must be valid and reachable image URLs' } } } if (formState.tags === '') { errors.tags = 'Tags field can not be empty' } if (formState.downloadUrls.length === 0) { errors.downloadUrls = ['Required at least one download url'] } else { for (let i = 0; i < formState.downloadUrls.length; i++) { const downloadUrl = formState.downloadUrls[i] if ( !isValidUrl(downloadUrl.url) || !(await isReachable(downloadUrl.url)) ) { if (!errors.downloadUrls) errors.downloadUrls = Array(formState.downloadUrls.length) errors.downloadUrls![i] = 'Download url must be valid and reachable' } } } setFormErrors(errors) return Object.keys(errors).length === 0 } return ( <> {isPublishing && <LoadingSpinner desc='Publishing mod to relays' />} <GameDropdown options={gameOptions} selected={} error={} onChange={handleInputChange} /> <InputField label='Title' placeholder='Return the banana mod' name='title' value={formState.title} error={formErrors.title} onChange={handleInputChange} /> <InputField label='Body' type='richtext' placeholder="Here's what this mod is all about" name='body' value={formState.body} error={formErrors.body} onChange={handleInputChange} /> <InputField label='Featured Image URL' description='We recommend to upload images to' type='text' inputMode='url' placeholder='Image URL' name='featuredImageUrl' value={formState.featuredImageUrl} error={formErrors.featuredImageUrl} onChange={handleInputChange} /> <InputField label='Summary' type='textarea' placeholder='This is a quick description of my mod' name='summary' value={formState.summary} error={formErrors.summary} onChange={handleInputChange} /> <CheckboxField label='This mod not safe for work (NSFW)' name='nsfw' isChecked={formState.nsfw} handleChange={handleCheckboxChange} /> <div className='inputLabelWrapperMain'> <div className='labelWrapperMain'> <label className='form-label labelMain'>Screenshots URLs</label> <button className='btn btnMain btnMainAdd' type='button' onClick={addScreenshotUrl} > <svg xmlns='' viewBox='-32 0 512 512' width='1em' height='1em' fill='currentColor' > <path d='M432 256c0 17.69-14.33 32.01-32 32.01H256v144c0 17.69-14.33 31.99-32 31.99s-32-14.3-32-31.99v-144H48c-17.67 0-32-14.32-32-32.01s14.33-31.99 32-31.99H192v-144c0-17.69 14.33-32.01 32-32.01s32 14.32 32 32.01v144h144C417.7 224 432 238.3 432 256z'></path> </svg> </button> </div> <p className='labelDescriptionMain'> We recommend to upload images to </p> {, index) => ( <Fragment key={`screenShot-${url}`}> <ScreenshotUrlFields index={index} url={url} onUrlChange={handleScreenshotUrlChange} onRemove={removeScreenshotUrl} /> {formErrors.screenshotsUrls && formErrors.screenshotsUrls[index] && ( <InputError message={formErrors.screenshotsUrls[index]} /> )} </Fragment> ))} {formState.screenshotsUrls.length === 0 && formErrors.screenshotsUrls && formErrors.screenshotsUrls[0] && ( <InputError message={formErrors.screenshotsUrls[0]} /> )} </div> <InputField label='Tags' description='Separate each tag with a comma. (Example: tag1, tag2, tag3)' placeholder='Tags' name='tags' value={formState.tags} error={formErrors.tags} onChange={handleInputChange} /> <div className='inputLabelWrapperMain'> <div className='labelWrapperMain'> <label className='form-label labelMain'>Download URLs</label> <button className='btn btnMain btnMainAdd' type='button' onClick={addDownloadUrl} > <svg xmlns='' viewBox='-32 0 512 512' width='1em' height='1em' fill='currentColor' > <path d='M432 256c0 17.69-14.33 32.01-32 32.01H256v144c0 17.69-14.33 31.99-32 31.99s-32-14.3-32-31.99v-144H48c-17.67 0-32-14.32-32-32.01s14.33-31.99 32-31.99H192v-144c0-17.69 14.33-32.01 32-32.01s32 14.32 32 32.01v144h144C417.7 224 432 238.3 432 256z'></path> </svg> </button> </div> <p className='labelDescriptionMain'> You can upload your game mod to Github, as an example, and keep updating it there. Also, it's advisable that you hash your package as well with your nostr public key. </p> {, index) => ( <Fragment key={`download-${download.url}`}> <DownloadUrlFields index={index} url={download.url} hash={download.hash} signatureKey={download.signatureKey} malwareScanLink={download.malwareScanLink} modVersion={download.modVersion} customNote={download.customNote} onUrlChange={handleDownloadUrlChange} onRemove={removeDownloadUrl} /> {formErrors.downloadUrls && formErrors.downloadUrls[index] && ( <InputError message={formErrors.downloadUrls[index]} /> )} </Fragment> ))} {formState.downloadUrls.length === 0 && formErrors.downloadUrls && formErrors.downloadUrls[0] && ( <InputError message={formErrors.downloadUrls[0]} /> )} </div> <div className='IBMSMSMBS_WriteAction'> <button className='btn btnMain' type='button' onClick={handlePublish} disabled={isPublishing} > Publish </button> </div> </> ) } type DownloadUrlFieldsProps = { index: number url: string hash: string signatureKey: string malwareScanLink: string modVersion: string customNote: string onUrlChange: (index: number, field: keyof DownloadUrl, value: string) => void onRemove: (index: number) => void } const DownloadUrlFields = React.memo( ({ index, url, hash, signatureKey, malwareScanLink, modVersion, customNote, onUrlChange, onRemove }: DownloadUrlFieldsProps) => { const handleChange = (e: React.ChangeEvent<HTMLInputElement>) => { const { name, value } = onUrlChange(index, name as keyof DownloadUrl, value) } return ( <div className='inputWrapperMainWrapper'> <div className='inputWrapperMain'> <input type='text' className='inputMain' name='url' placeholder='Download URL' value={url} onChange={handleChange} /> <button className='btn btnMain btnMainRemove' type='button' onClick={() => onRemove(index)} > <svg xmlns='' viewBox='-32 0 512 512' width='1em' height='1em' fill='currentColor' > <path d='M135.2 17.69C140.6 6.848 151.7 0 163.8 0H284.2C296.3 0 307.4 6.848 312.8 17.69L320 32H416C433.7 32 448 46.33 448 64C448 81.67 433.7 96 416 96H32C14.33 96 0 81.67 0 64C0 46.33 14.33 32 32 32H128L135.2 17.69zM394.8 466.1C393.2 492.3 372.3 512 346.9 512H101.1C75.75 512 54.77 492.3 53.19 466.1L31.1 128H416L394.8 466.1z'></path> </svg> </button> </div> <div className='inputWrapperMain'> <div className='inputWrapperMainBox'> <svg xmlns='' viewBox='-96 0 512 512' width='1em' height='1em' fill='currentColor' > <path d='M320 448c0 17.67-14.31 32-32 32H64c-17.69 0-32-14.33-32-32v-384C32 46.34 46.31 32.01 64 32.01S96 46.34 96 64.01v352h192C305.7 416 320 430.3 320 448z'></path> </svg> </div> <input type='text' className='inputMain' name='hash' placeholder='SHA-256 Hash' value={hash} onChange={handleChange} /> <div className='inputWrapperMainBox'></div> </div> <div className='inputWrapperMain'> <div className='inputWrapperMainBox'> <svg xmlns='' viewBox='-96 0 512 512' width='1em' height='1em' fill='currentColor' > <path d='M320 448c0 17.67-14.31 32-32 32H64c-17.69 0-32-14.33-32-32v-384C32 46.34 46.31 32.01 64 32.01S96 46.34 96 64.01v352h192C305.7 416 320 430.3 320 448z'></path> </svg> </div> <input type='text' className='inputMain' placeholder='Signature public key' name='signatureKey' value={signatureKey} onChange={handleChange} /> <div className='inputWrapperMainBox'></div> </div> <div className='inputWrapperMain'> <div className='inputWrapperMainBox'> <svg xmlns='' viewBox='-96 0 512 512' width='1em' height='1em' fill='currentColor' > <path d='M320 448c0 17.67-14.31 32-32 32H64c-17.69 0-32-14.33-32-32v-384C32 46.34 46.31 32.01 64 32.01S96 46.34 96 64.01v352h192C305.7 416 320 430.3 320 448z'></path> </svg> </div> <input type='text' className='inputMain' name='malwareScanLink' placeholder='Malware Scan Link' value={malwareScanLink} onChange={handleChange} /> <div className='inputWrapperMainBox'></div> </div> <div className='inputWrapperMain'> <div className='inputWrapperMainBox'> <svg xmlns='' viewBox='-96 0 512 512' width='1em' height='1em' fill='currentColor' > <path d='M320 448c0 17.67-14.31 32-32 32H64c-17.69 0-32-14.33-32-32v-384C32 46.34 46.31 32.01 64 32.01S96 46.34 96 64.01v352h192C305.7 416 320 430.3 320 448z'></path> </svg> </div> <input type='text' className='inputMain' placeholder='Mod version (1.0)' name='modVersion' value={modVersion} onChange={handleChange} /> <div className='inputWrapperMainBox'></div> </div> <div className='inputWrapperMain'> <div className='inputWrapperMainBox'> <svg xmlns='' viewBox='-96 0 512 512' width='1em' height='1em' fill='currentColor' > <path d='M320 448c0 17.67-14.31 32-32 32H64c-17.69 0-32-14.33-32-32v-384C32 46.34 46.31 32.01 64 32.01S96 46.34 96 64.01v352h192C305.7 416 320 430.3 320 448z'></path> </svg> </div> <input type='text' className='inputMain' placeholder='Custom note/message' name='customNote' value={customNote} onChange={handleChange} /> <div className='inputWrapperMainBox'></div> </div> </div> ) } ) type ScreenshotUrlFieldsProps = { index: number url: string onUrlChange: (index: number, value: string) => void onRemove: (index: number) => void } const ScreenshotUrlFields = React.memo( ({ index, url, onUrlChange, onRemove }: ScreenshotUrlFieldsProps) => { const handleChange = (e: React.ChangeEvent<HTMLInputElement>) => { onUrlChange(index, } return ( <div className='inputWrapperMain'> <input type='text' className='inputMain' inputMode='url' placeholder='We recommend to upload images to' value={url} onChange={handleChange} /> <button className='btn btnMain btnMainRemove' type='button' onClick={() => onRemove(index)} > <svg xmlns='' viewBox='-32 0 512 512' width='1em' height='1em' fill='currentColor' > <path d='M323.3 32.01H188.7C172.3 32.01 160 44.31 160 60.73V96.01H32C14.33 96.01 0 110.3 0 128S14.33 160 32 160H480c17.67 0 32-14.33 32-32.01S497.7 96.01 480 96.01H352v-35.28C352 44.31 339.7 32.01 323.3 32.01zM64.9 477.5C66.5 492.3 79.31 504 94.72 504H417.3c15.41 0 28.22-11.72 29.81-26.5L480 192.2H32L64.9 477.5z'></path> </svg> </button> </div> ) } ) type GameDropdownProps = { options: GameOption[] selected: string error?: string onChange: (name: string, value: string) => void } const GameDropdown = ({ options, selected, error, onChange }: GameDropdownProps) => { const [searchTerm, setSearchTerm] = useState('') const [debouncedSearchTerm, setDebouncedSearchTerm] = useState('') const inputRef = useRef<HTMLInputElement>(null) const isOptionClicked = useRef(false) const handleSearchChange = useCallback((value: string) => { setSearchTerm(value) _.debounce(() => { setDebouncedSearchTerm(value) }, 300)() }, []) const filteredOptions = useMemo(() => { if (debouncedSearchTerm === '') return [] else { return options.filter((option) => option.label.toLowerCase().includes(debouncedSearchTerm.toLowerCase()) ) } }, [debouncedSearchTerm, options]) return ( <div className='inputLabelWrapperMain'> <label className='form-label labelMain'>Game</label> <p className='labelDescriptionMain'> Can't find the game you're looking for? Send us a DM mentioning it so we can add it. </p> <div className='dropdown dropdownMain'> <div className='inputWrapperMain inputWrapperMainAlt'> <input ref={inputRef} type='text' className='inputMain inputMainWithBtn dropdown-toggle' placeholder='This mod is for a game called...' aria-expanded='false' data-bs-toggle='dropdown' value={searchTerm || selected} onChange={(e) => handleSearchChange(} onBlur={() => { if (!isOptionClicked.current) { setSearchTerm('') } isOptionClicked.current = false }} /> <button className='btn btnMain btnMainInsideField btnMainRemove' type='button' onClick={() => onChange('game', '')} > <svg xmlns='' viewBox='0 0 512 512' width='1em' height='1em' fill='currentColor' > <path d='M480 416C497.7 416 512 430.3 512 448C512 465.7 497.7 480 480 480H150.6C133.7 480 117.4 473.3 105.4 461.3L25.37 381.3C.3786 356.3 .3786 315.7 25.37 290.7L258.7 57.37C283.7 32.38 324.3 32.38 349.3 57.37L486.6 194.7C511.6 219.7 511.6 260.3 486.6 285.3L355.9 416H480zM265.4 416L332.7 348.7L195.3 211.3L70.63 336L150.6 416L265.4 416z'></path> </svg> </button> <div className='dropdown-menu dropdownMainMenu'> <List height={500} width={'100%'} itemCount={filteredOptions.length} itemSize={35} > {({ index, style }) => ( <div style={style} className='dropdown-item dropdownMainMenuItem' onMouseDown={() => (isOptionClicked.current = true)} onClick={() => { onChange('game', filteredOptions[index].value) setSearchTerm('') if (inputRef.current) { inputRef.current.blur() } }} > {filteredOptions[index].label} </div> )} </List> </div> </div> </div> {error && <InputError message={error} />} </div> ) }