import { getRelayListForUser, NDKFilter, NDKKind, NDKRelaySet, NDKSubscription, NDKSubscriptionCacheUsage } from '@nostr-dev-kit/ndk' import { useEffect, useState } from 'react' import { CommentEvent, ModDetails, UserRelaysType } from 'types' import { log, LogType } from 'utils' import { useNDKContext } from './useNDKContext' export const useComments = (mod: ModDetails) => { const { ndk } = useNDKContext() const [commentEvents, setCommentEvents] = useState([]) useEffect(() => { let subscription: NDKSubscription // Define the subscription variable here for cleanup const setupSubscription = async () => { // Find the mod author's relays. const authorReadRelays = await getRelayListForUser(, ndk) .then((ndkRelayList) => { if (ndkRelayList) return ndkRelayList[UserRelaysType.Read] return [] // Return an empty array if ndkRelayList is undefined }) .catch((err) => { log( true, LogType.Error, `An error occurred in fetching user's (${}) ${UserRelaysType.Read}`, err ) return [] as string[] }) const filter: NDKFilter = { kinds: [NDKKind.Text], '#a': [mod.aTag] } subscription = ndk.subscribe( filter, { closeOnEose: false, cacheUsage: NDKSubscriptionCacheUsage.CACHE_FIRST }, NDKRelaySet.fromRelayUrls(authorReadRelays, ndk, true) ) subscription.on('event', (ndkEvent) => { setCommentEvents((prev) => { if (prev.find((e) => === { return [...prev] } const commentEvent: CommentEvent = { kind: NDKKind.Text, tags: ndkEvent.tags, content: ndkEvent.content, created_at: ndkEvent.created_at!, pubkey: ndkEvent.pubkey, id:, sig: ndkEvent.sig! } return [commentEvent, ...prev] }) }) subscription.start() } setupSubscription() // Cleanup function to stop the subscription on unmount return () => { if (subscription) { subscription.stop() } } }, [mod.aTag,, ndk]) return { commentEvents, setCommentEvents } }