type ProfileProps = {
pubkey: string
export const Profile = ({ pubkey }: ProfileProps) => {
const profile = useProfile(pubkey)
const displayName =
profile?.displayName || profile?.name || '[name not set up]'
const about = profile?.bio || profile?.about || '[bio not set up]'
const image = profile?.image || FALLBACK_PROFILE_IMAGE
const nip05 = profile?.nip05
const lud16 = profile?.lud16
const npub = hexToNpub(pubkey)
const handleCopy = async () => {
copyTextToClipboard(npub).then((isCopied) => {
if (isCopied) {
toast.success('Npub copied to clipboard!')
} else {
'Failed to copy, look into console for more details on error!'
let profileRoute = appRoutes.home
const hexPubkey = npubToHex(pubkey)
if (hexPubkey) {
profileRoute = getProfilePageRoute(
pubkey: hexPubkey
return (
{nip05 && (
{lud16 && }
interface Post {
name: string
link: string
content: string
imageUrl?: string
const posts: Post[] = [
name: 'User name',
link: `feed-note.html`,
content: `user text, this is a long string of temporary text that would be replaced with the user post from their short posts`
name: 'User name',
link: 'feed-note.html',
content: `user text, this is a long string of temporary text that would be replaced with the user post from their short posts`
name: 'User name',
link: `feed-note.html`,
content: `user text, this is a long string of temporary text that would be replaced with the user post from their short posts`,
imageUrl: placeholder
type QRButtonWithPopUpProps = {
pubkey: string
export const ProfileQRButtonWithPopUp = ({
}: QRButtonWithPopUpProps) => {
const [isOpen, setIsOpen] = useState(false)
const nprofile = nip19.nprofileEncode({
const onQrCodeClicked = async () => {
const href = `https://njump.me/${nprofile}`
const a = document.createElement('a')
a.href = href
a.target = '_blank' // Open in a new tab
a.rel = 'noopener noreferrer' // Recommended for security reasons
return (