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import axios from 'axios'
2024-06-28 09:24:14 +00:00
import {
} from 'nostr-tools'
import { toast } from 'react-toastify'
import { NIP05_REGEX } from '../constants'
2024-06-28 09:24:14 +00:00
import { MetadataController, NostrController } from '../controllers'
import { AuthState } from '../store/auth/types'
import { RelaysState } from '../store/relays/types'
import store from '../store/store'
import { Meta, Rumor, Sigit, SignedEvent } from '../types'
import { getHash } from './hash'
import { parseJson } from './string'
* @param hexKey hex private or public key
* @returns whether or not is key valid
const validateHex = (hexKey: string) => {
return hexKey.match(/^[a-f0-9]{64}$/)
* NPUB provided - it will convert NPUB to HEX
* HEX provided - it will return HEX
* @param pubKey in NPUB, HEX format
* @returns HEX format
export const npubToHex = (pubKey: string): string | null => {
// If key is NPUB
if (pubKey.startsWith('npub1')) {
try {
return nip19.decode(pubKey).data as string
} catch (error) {
return null
// valid hex key
if (validateHex(pubKey)) return pubKey
// Not a valid hex key
return null
* If NSEC key is provided function will convert it to HEX
* If HEX key Is provided function will validate the HEX format and return
* @param nsec or private key in HEX format
export const nsecToHex = (nsec: string): string | null => {
// If key is NSEC
if (nsec.startsWith('nsec')) {
try {
return nip19.decode(nsec).data as string
} catch (error) {
return null
// since it's not NSEC key we check if it's a valid hex key
if (validateHex(nsec)) return nsec
return null
export const hexToNpub = (hexPubkey: string): `npub1${string}` => {
if (hexPubkey.startsWith('npub1')) return hexPubkey as `npub1${string}`
2024-03-01 10:16:35 +00:00
return nip19.npubEncode(hexPubkey)
export const verifySignedEvent = (event: SignedEvent) => {
const isGood = verifyEvent(event)
if (!isGood) {
throw new Error(
'Signed event did not pass verification. Check sig, id and pubkey.'
* Function to query NIP-05 data and return the public key and relays.
* @param {string} nip05 - The NIP-05 identifier in the format "name@domain".
* @returns {Promise<{ pubkey: string, relays: string[] }>} - The public key and an array of relay URLs.
* @throws Will throw an error if the NIP-05 identifier is invalid or if there is an issue with the network request.
export const queryNip05 = async (
nip05: string
): Promise<{
pubkey: string
relays: string[]
}> => {
const match = nip05.match(NIP05_REGEX)
// Throw an error if the NIP-05 identifier is invalid
if (!match) throw new Error('Invalid nip05')
// Destructure the match result, assigning default value '_' to name if not provided
const [_, name = '_', domain] = match
// Construct the URL to query the NIP-05 data
const url = `https://${domain}/.well-known/nostr.json?name=${name}`
// Perform the network request to get the NIP-05 data
const res = await axios(url)
.then((res) => {
.catch((err) => {
console.log('err :>> ', err)
throw err
// Extract the public key from the response data
const pubkey = res.names[name]
const relays: string[] = []
// If a public key is found
if (pubkey) {
// Function to add relays if they exist and are not empty
const addRelays = (relayList?: string[]) => {
if (relayList && relayList.length > 0) {
// Check for user-specific relays in the NIP-46 section of the response data
if (res.nip46) {
addRelays(res.nip46[pubkey] as string[])
// Check for user-specific relays in the relays section of the response data if not found in NIP-46
if (relays.length === 0 && res.relays) {
addRelays(res.relays[pubkey] as string[])
// If no user-specific relays are found, check for root user relays
if (relays.length === 0) {
const root = res.names['_']
if (root) {
// Check for root user relays in both NIP-46 and relays sections
addRelays(res.nip46?.[root] as string[])
addRelays(res.relays?.[root] as string[])
// Return the public key and the array of relays
return {
2024-03-19 10:27:18 +00:00
export const base64EncodeSignedEvent = (event: SignedEvent) => {
try {
const authEventSerialized = JSON.stringify(event)
const token = btoa(authEventSerialized)
return token
} catch (error) {
throw new Error('An error occurred in JSON.stringify of signedAuthEvent')
export const base64DecodeAuthToken = (authToken: string): SignedEvent => {
const decodedToken = atob(authToken)
try {
const signedEvent = JSON.parse(decodedToken)
return signedEvent
} catch (error) {
throw new Error('An error occurred in JSON.parse of the auth token')
* @param pubkey in hex or npub format
* @returns url for the avatar
2024-05-17 11:35:37 +00:00
export const getRoboHashPicture = (
pubkey?: string,
set: number = 1
): string => {
if (!pubkey) return ''
const npub = hexToNpub(pubkey)
return `${npub}.png?set=set${set}`
2024-06-28 09:24:14 +00:00
const TWO_DAYS = 2 * 24 * 60 * 60
export const now = () => Math.round( / 1000)
export const randomNow = () => Math.round(now() - Math.random() * TWO_DAYS)
* Generate nip44 conversation key
* @param privateKey
* @param publicKey
* @returns
export const nip44ConversationKey = (
privateKey: Uint8Array,
publicKey: string
) => nip44.v2.utils.getConversationKey(privateKey, publicKey)
export const nip44Encrypt = (
data: EventTemplate,
privateKey: Uint8Array,
publicKey: string
) =>
nip44ConversationKey(privateKey, publicKey)
export const nip44Decrypt = (data: Event, privateKey: Uint8Array) =>
nip44ConversationKey(privateKey, data.pubkey)
// Function to count leading zero bits
export const countLeadingZeroes = (hex: string) => {
let count = 0
for (let i = 0; i < hex.length; i++) {
const nibble = parseInt(hex[i], 16)
if (nibble === 0) {
count += 4
} else {
count += Math.clz32(nibble) - 28
return count
* Function to create a wrapped event with PoW
* @param event Original event to be wrapped
* @param receiver Public key of the receiver
* @param difficulty PoW difficulty level (default is 20)
* @returns
export const createWrap = (
event: Event,
receiver: string,
difficulty: number = 10
) => {
// Generate a random secret key and its corresponding public key
const randomKey = generateSecretKey()
const pubkey = getPublicKey(randomKey)
// Encrypt the event content using nip44 encryption
const content = nip44Encrypt(event, randomKey, receiver)
// Initialize nonce and leadingZeroes for PoW calculation
let nonce = 0
let leadingZeroes = 0
// Loop until a valid PoW hash is found
// eslint-disable-next-line no-constant-condition
while (true) {
// Create an unsigned event with the necessary fields
const unsignedEvent: UnsignedEvent = {
kind: 1059, // Event kind
content, // Encrypted content
pubkey, // Public key of the creator
created_at: randomNow(), // Current timestamp
tags: [
// Tags including receiver and nonce
['p', receiver],
['nonce', nonce.toString(), difficulty.toString()]
// Calculate the SHA-256 hash of the unsigned event
const hash = getEventHash(unsignedEvent)
// Count the number of leading zero bits in the hash
leadingZeroes = countLeadingZeroes(hash)
// Check if the leading zero bits meet the required difficulty
if (leadingZeroes >= difficulty) {
// Finalize the event (sign it) and return the result
return finalizeEvent(unsignedEvent, randomKey)
// Increment the nonce for the next iteration
export const getUsersAppData = async () => {
const relays: string[] = []
const usersPubkey = (store.getState().auth as AuthState).usersPubkey!
const relayMap = store.getState().relays?.map
const nostrController = NostrController.getInstance()
// check if relaysMap in redux store is undefined
if (!relayMap) {
// todo: use metadata controller
const metadataController = new MetadataController()
const relaySet = await metadataController
.catch((err) => {
`An error occurred while finding relay list metadata for ${hexToNpub(usersPubkey)}`,
return null
// Return if metadata retrieval failed
if (!relaySet) return
// Ensure relay list is not empty
if (relaySet.write.length === 0) return
} else {
// filter write relays from user's relayMap stored in redux store
const writeRelays = Object.keys(relayMap).filter(
(key) => relayMap[key].write
// generate an identifier for user's nip78
const hash = await getHash('sigit' + usersPubkey)
if (!hash) return null
const filter: Filter = {
kinds: [kinds.Application],
'#d': [hash]
const encryptedContent = await nostrController
.getEvent(filter, relays)
.then((event) => {
if (event) return event.content
// if person is using sigit for first time its possible that event is null
// so we'll return empty stringified object
return '{}'
.catch((err) => {
console.log(`An error occurred in finding kind 30078 event`, err)
'An error occurred in finding kind 30078 event for data storage'
return null
if (!encryptedContent) return null
if (encryptedContent === '{}') {
return {}
const decrypted = await nostrController
.nip04Decrypt(usersPubkey, encryptedContent)
.catch((err) => {
console.log('An error occurred while decrypting app data', err)
toast.error('An error occurred while decrypting app data')
return null
if (!decrypted) return null
const parsedContent = await parseJson<{
[uuid: string]: Sigit
}>(decrypted).catch((err) => {
'An error occurred in parsing the content of kind 30078 event',
toast.error('An error occurred in parsing the content of kind 30078 event')
return null
if (!parsedContent) return null
return parsedContent
export const updateUsersAppData = async (fileUrl: string, meta: Meta) => {
const appData = await getUsersAppData()
if (!appData) return null
if (meta.uuid in appData) {
// update meta only if income meta is more recent than already existing one
const existingMeta = appData[meta.uuid].meta
if (existingMeta.modifiedAt < meta.modifiedAt) {
appData[meta.uuid] = {
} else {
appData[meta.uuid] = {
appData[meta.uuid] = {
const usersPubkey = (store.getState().auth as AuthState).usersPubkey!
const nostrController = NostrController.getInstance()
const encryptedContent = await nostrController
.nip04Encrypt(usersPubkey, JSON.stringify(appData))
.catch((err) => {
'An error occurred in encryption of content for app data',
err.message || 'An error occurred in encryption of content for app data'
return null
if (!encryptedContent) return null
// generate the identifier for user's appData event
const hash = await getHash('sigit' + usersPubkey)
if (!hash) return null
const updatedEvent: UnsignedEvent = {
kind: kinds.Application,
pubkey: usersPubkey!,
created_at: now(),
tags: [['d', hash]],
content: encryptedContent
const signedEvent = await nostrController
.catch((err) => {
console.log('An error occurred in signing event', err)
toast.error(err.message || 'An error occurred in signing event')
return null
if (!signedEvent) return null
const relayMap = (store.getState().relays as RelaysState).map!
const writeRelays = Object.keys(relayMap).filter((key) => relayMap[key].write)
const publishResult = await nostrController
.publishEvent(signedEvent, writeRelays)
.catch((errResults) => {
console.log('err :>> ', errResults)
toast.error('An error occurred while publishing App data')
errResults.forEach((errResult: any) => {
`Publishing to ${errResult.relay} caused the following error: ${errResult.error}`
return null
if (!publishResult) return null
return signedEvent
export const subscribeForSigits = async (pubkey: string) => {
// Get relay list metadata
const metadataController = new MetadataController()
const relaySet = await metadataController
.catch((err) => {
2024-06-28 09:25:41 +00:00
`An error occurred while finding relay list metadata for ${hexToNpub(pubkey)}`,
2024-06-28 09:24:14 +00:00
return null
// Return if metadata retrieval failed
if (!relaySet) return
// Ensure relay list is not empty
if ( === 0) return
const filter: Filter = {
kinds: [1059],
'#p': [pubkey]
const pool = new SimplePool()
pool.subscribeMany(, [filter], {
onevent: (event) => {
const processReceivedEvent = async (event: Event, difficulty: number = 10) => {
// validate PoW
// Count the number of leading zero bits in the hash
const leadingZeroes = countLeadingZeroes(
if (leadingZeroes < difficulty) return
const nostrController = NostrController.getInstance()
const stringifiedSealEvent = await nostrController.nip44Decrypt(
const sealEvent = await parseJson<Event>(stringifiedSealEvent)
const stringifiedRumor = await nostrController.nip44Decrypt(
const rumor = await parseJson<Rumor>(stringifiedRumor)
if (rumor.content === 'sigit-notification') {
const uTag = rumor.tags.find((tag) => tag[0] === 'u')
if (!uTag) return
const fileUrl = uTag[1]
const mTag = rumor.tags.find((tag) => tag[0] === 'm')
if (!mTag) return
const metaString = mTag[1]
const meta = await parseJson<Meta>(metaString)
updateUsersAppData(fileUrl, meta)
export const sendNotification = async (
receiver: string,
meta: Meta,
fileUrl: string
) => {
const usersPubkey = (store.getState().auth as AuthState).usersPubkey!
const unsignedEvent: UnsignedEvent = {
kind: kinds.ShortTextNote,
pubkey: usersPubkey,
content: 'sigit-notification',
tags: [
['u', fileUrl],
['m', JSON.stringify(meta)]
created_at: now()
const rumor: Rumor = {
id: getEventHash(unsignedEvent)
const nostrController = NostrController.getInstance()
const seal = await nostrController.createSeal(rumor, receiver)
const wrappedEvent = createWrap(seal, receiver)
// Get relay list metadata
const metadataController = new MetadataController()
const relaySet = await metadataController
.catch((err) => {
`An error occurred while finding relay list metadata for ${hexToNpub(receiver)}`,
return null
// Return if metadata retrieval failed
if (!relaySet) return
// Ensure relay list is not empty
if ( === 0) return
// Publish the notification event to the recipient's read relays
await nostrController
.catch((errResults) => {
`An error occurred while publishing notification event for ${hexToNpub(receiver)}`,
return null