Update the identifier tag d for user's app data event #120

opened 2024-07-17 10:00:18 +00:00 by s · 2 comments

Currently we are using sha256 hash of 938 + user's pubkey for user's the identifier tag d of user's app data event. Rather we should sign the event with 938 + user's pubkey and create_at = 0 or start of UNIX timestamp if 0 is not allowed and use the signature of that event as an identifier.

Currently we are using sha256 hash of `938 + user's pubkey` for user's the identifier tag `d` of user's app data event. Rather we should sign the event with `938 + user's pubkey` and create_at = 0 or start of UNIX timestamp if 0 is not allowed and use the signature of that event as an identifier.
s changed title from Update filter for getting user's appData to Update the identifier `d` for user's app data event 2024-07-22 08:19:02 +00:00
s changed title from Update the identifier `d` for user's app data event to Update the identifier tag `d` for user's app data event 2024-07-22 08:19:16 +00:00

This approach wouldn't work as we would get different signatures every time we sign an event.

This approach wouldn't work as we would get different signatures every time we sign an event.
m was assigned by b 2024-11-26 09:52:55 +00:00

Following discussion with @m

The problem is not that we get the same signature (because created_at=0)

The problem is that relays will not accept an event with created_at=0

Neither do they want one signed in the future. So the idea to create a unique id that ONLY the user will know, is not so easy. Probably there is some way where there is a generic D-tag for app data, one that contains encrypted key-value pairs, one of which could be the sigit id.

Until such a spec appears, we should stick with the existing approach of using the hash of 938_$(npub).

Following discussion with @m The problem is not that we get the same signature (because created_at=0) The problem is that relays will not accept an event with created_at=0 Neither do they want one signed in the future. So the idea to create a unique id that ONLY the user will know, is not so easy. Probably there is some way where there is a _generic_ D-tag for app data, one that contains encrypted key-value pairs, one of which could be the sigit id. Until such a spec appears, we should stick with the existing approach of using the hash of `938_$(npub)`.
b closed this issue 2024-11-27 17:11:24 +00:00
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