Download SIGit after all counterparties have signed #169

opened 2024-08-28 10:32:02 +00:00 by y · 2 comments

An automatic file download has to happen when all counterparties have signed.
After the download is completed upload to the blossom server option should be active.

An automatic file download has to happen when all counterparties have signed. After the download is completed upload to the blossom server option should be active.
y added this to the MVP milestone 2024-08-28 10:32:02 +00:00
y added the
label 2024-08-28 10:32:02 +00:00

For the final signer, this can happen immediately

For the other signers, it should happen once the notification is received, the toast is displayed, and the app data has been updated (locally)

For the final signer, this can happen immediately For the other signers, it should happen once the notification is received, the toast is displayed, and the app data has been updated (locally)
endo closed this issue 2025-01-03 13:28:18 +00:00

Won't do.

Won't do.
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3 Participants
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No dependencies set.

Reference: sigit/
No description provided.