import { PdfPage } from '../types/drawing.ts' import { PDFDocument, PDFFont, PDFPage, rgb } from 'pdf-lib' import { Mark } from '../types/mark.ts' import * as PDFJS from 'pdfjs-dist' import PDFJSWorker from 'pdfjs-dist/build/pdf.worker.min.mjs?worker' if (!PDFJS.GlobalWorkerOptions.workerPort) { // Use workerPort and allow worker to be shared between all getDocument calls const worker = new PDFJSWorker() PDFJS.GlobalWorkerOptions.workerPort = worker } import fontkit from '@pdf-lib/fontkit' import defaultFont from '../assets/fonts/roboto-regular.ttf' /** * Defined font size used when generating a PDF. Currently it is difficult to fully * correlate font size used at the time of filling in / drawing on the PDF * because it is dynamically rendered, and the final size. */ export const FONT_SIZE: number = 16 /** * Current font type used when generating a PDF. */ export const FONT_TYPE: string = 'Roboto' /** * Current line height used when generating a PDF. */ export const FONT_LINE_HEIGHT: number = 1 /** * A utility that transforms a drawing coordinate number into a CSS-compatible pixel string * @param coordinate */ export const inPx = (coordinate: number): string => `${coordinate}px` /** * A utility that checks if a given file is of the pdf type * @param file */ export const isPdf = (file: File) => file.type.toLowerCase().includes('pdf') /** * Reads the pdf file binaries */ export const readPdf = (file: File): Promise => { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { const reader = new FileReader() reader.onload = (e) => { const data = // Make sure we only resolve for string or ArrayBuffer type // They are accepted by PDFJS.getDocument function if (data && typeof data !== 'undefined') { resolve(data) } else { reject(new Error('File is null or undefined')) } } reader.onerror = (err) => { console.error('err', err) reject(err) } reader.readAsDataURL(file) }) } export const getInnerContentWidth = () => { // Fetch the first container element we find const element = document.querySelector('#content-preview') if (element) { const style = getComputedStyle(element) // Calculate width without padding const widthWithoutPadding = element.clientWidth - parseFloat(style.padding) * 2 return widthWithoutPadding } // Default value return 620 } /** * Converts pdf to the images * @param data pdf file bytes */ export const pdfToImages = async ( data: string | ArrayBuffer ): Promise => { const pages: PdfPage[] = [] const pdf = await PDFJS.getDocument(data).promise const canvas = document.createElement('canvas') const width = getInnerContentWidth() for (let i = 0; i < pdf.numPages; i++) { const page = await pdf.getPage(i + 1) const originalViewport = page.getViewport({ scale: 1 }) const scale = width / originalViewport.width const viewport = page.getViewport({ scale: scale }) const context = canvas.getContext('2d') canvas.height = viewport.height canvas.width = viewport.width await page.render({ canvasContext: context!, viewport: viewport }).promise pages.push({ image: canvas.toDataURL(), width: originalViewport.width, drawnFields: [] }) } return pages } /** * Takes in individual pdf file and an object with Marks grouped by Page number * Returns a PDF blob with embedded, completed and signed marks from all users as text */ export const addMarks = async ( file: File, marksPerPage: { [key: string]: Mark[] } ) => { const p = await readPdf(file) const pdf = await PDFDocument.load(p) const robotoFont = await embedFont(pdf) const pages = pdf.getPages() for (let i = 0; i < pages.length; i++) { if (marksPerPage && Object.hasOwn(marksPerPage, i)) { marksPerPage[i]?.forEach((mark) => drawMarkText(mark, pages[i], robotoFont) ) } } const blob = await return blob } /** * Utility to check if a Mark has value * @param mark */ export const hasValue = (mark: Mark): boolean => !!mark.value /** * Draws a Mark on a Canvas representation of a PDF Page * @param mark to be drawn * @param ctx a Canvas representation of a specific PDF Page * @deprecated use drawMarkText */ export const draw = (mark: Mark, ctx: CanvasRenderingContext2D) => { const { location } = mark ctx.font = FONT_SIZE + 'px ' + FONT_TYPE ctx.fillStyle = 'black' const textMetrics = ctx.measureText(mark.value!) const textHeight = textMetrics.actualBoundingBoxAscent + textMetrics.actualBoundingBoxDescent const textX = location.left + (location.width - textMetrics.width) / 2 const textY = + (location.height + textHeight) / 2 ctx.fillText(mark.value!, textX, textY) } /** * Draws a Mark on a PDF Page * @param mark to be drawn * @param page PDF Page * @param font embedded font */ export const drawMarkText = (mark: Mark, page: PDFPage, font: PDFFont) => { const { location } = mark const { height } = page.getSize() // Convert the mark location origin (top, left) to PDF origin (bottom, left) const x = location.left const y = height - // Adjust y-coordinate for the text, drawText's y is the baseline for the font // We start from the y (top location border) and we need to bump it down // We move font baseline by the difference between rendered height and actual height (gap) // And finally move down by the height without descender to get the new baseline const adjustedY = y - (font.heightAtSize(FONT_SIZE) - FONT_SIZE) - font.heightAtSize(FONT_SIZE, { descender: false }) page.drawText(`${mark.value}`, { x, y: adjustedY, size: FONT_SIZE, font: font, color: rgb(0, 0, 0), maxWidth: location.width, lineHeight: FONT_SIZE * FONT_LINE_HEIGHT }) } /** * @param marks - an array of Marks * @function hasValue removes any Mark without a property * @function byPage groups remaining Marks by their page */ export const groupMarksByFileNamePage = (marks: Mark[]) => { return marks .filter(hasValue) .reduce<{ [fileName: string]: { [page: number]: Mark[] } }>(byPage, {}) } /** * A reducer callback that transforms an array of marks into an object grouped by the page number * Can be replaced by Object.groupBy * when it is implemented in TypeScript * Implementation is standard from the Array.prototype.reduce documentation * @param obj - accumulator in the reducer callback * @param mark - current value, i.e. Mark being examined */ export const byPage = ( obj: { [filename: string]: { [page: number]: Mark[] } }, mark: Mark ) => { const fileName = mark.fileName const pageNumber = const pages = obj[fileName] ?? {} const marks = pages[pageNumber] ?? [] return { ...obj, [fileName]: { ...pages, [pageNumber]: [...marks, mark] } } } async function embedFont(pdf: PDFDocument) { const fontBytes = await fetch(defaultFont).then((res) => res.arrayBuffer()) pdf.registerFontkit(fontkit) const embeddedFont = await pdf.embedFont(fontBytes) return embeddedFont }