import { useEffect } from 'react' import { Navigate, Route, Routes } from 'react-router-dom' import { useAppSelector, useAuth } from './hooks' import { MainLayout } from './layouts/Main' import { privateRoutes, publicRoutes, recursiveRouteRenderer } from './routes/util' import './App.scss' const App = () => { const { checkSession } = useAuth() const isLoggedIn = useAppSelector((state) => state.auth?.loggedIn) useEffect(() => { if (window.location.hostname === '') { // A change of the host is needed to make library available in windows object // the app can't encrypt files without the crypto library // which is only available on https or localhost window.location.hostname = 'localhost' } checkSession() }, [checkSession]) // Hide route only if loggedIn and r.hiddenWhenLoggedIn are both true const publicRoutesList = recursiveRouteRenderer(publicRoutes, (r) => { return !isLoggedIn || !r.hiddenWhenLoggedIn }) const privateRouteList = recursiveRouteRenderer(privateRoutes) return ( }> {publicRoutesList} {privateRouteList} } /> ) } export default App