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chore(refactor): move dvm related function to dvm utils file and relay related to relays utils file
2024-08-18 22:48:48 +05:00

535 lines
16 KiB

import NDK, {
} from '@nostr-dev-kit/ndk'
import {
} from 'nostr-tools'
import { EventEmitter } from 'tseep'
import { updateNsecbunkerPubkey } from '../store/actions'
import { AuthState, LoginMethods } from '../store/auth/types'
import store from '../store/store'
import { SignedEvent } from '../types'
import { getNsecBunkerDelegatedKey, verifySignedEvent } from '../utils'
export class NostrController extends EventEmitter {
private static instance: NostrController
private bunkerNDK: NDK | undefined
private remoteSigner: NDKNip46Signer | undefined
private constructor() {
private getNostrObject = () => {
// fix: this is not picking up type declaration from src/system/index.d.ts
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any
if (window.nostr) return window.nostr as any
throw new Error(
`window.nostr object not present. Make sure you have an nostr extension installed/working properly.`
public nsecBunkerInit = async (relays: string[]) => {
// Don't reinstantiate bunker NDK if exists with same relays
if (
this.bunkerNDK &&
this.bunkerNDK.explicitRelayUrls?.length === relays.length &&
this.bunkerNDK.explicitRelayUrls?.every((relay) => relays.includes(relay))
this.bunkerNDK = new NDK({
explicitRelayUrls: relays
try {
await this.bunkerNDK
.then(() => {
`Successfully connected to the nsecBunker relays: ${relays.join(
.catch((err) => {
`Error connecting to the nsecBunker relays: ${relays.join(
)} ${err}`
} catch (err) {
* Creates nSecBunker signer instance for the given npub
* Or if npub omitted it will return existing signer
* If neither, error will be thrown
* @param npub nPub / public key in hex format
* @returns nsecBunker Signer instance
public createNsecBunkerSigner = async (
npub: string | undefined
): Promise<NDKNip46Signer> => {
const nsecBunkerDelegatedKey = getNsecBunkerDelegatedKey()
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
if (!nsecBunkerDelegatedKey) {
reject('nsecBunker delegated key is not found in the browser.')
const localSigner = new NDKPrivateKeySigner(nsecBunkerDelegatedKey)
if (!npub) {
if (this.remoteSigner) resolve(this.remoteSigner)
const npubFromStorage = (store.getState().auth as AuthState)
if (npubFromStorage) {
npub = npubFromStorage
} else {
'No signer instance present, no npub provided by user or found in the browser.'
} else {
// Pubkey of a key pair stored in nsecbunker that will be used to sign event with
const appPubkeyOrToken = npub.includes('npub')
? npub
: nip19.npubEncode(npub)
* When creating and NDK instance we create new connection to the relay
* To prevent too much connections and hitting rate limits, if npub against which we sign
* we will reuse existing instance. Otherwise we will create new NDK and signer instance.
if (!this.remoteSigner || this.remoteSigner?.remotePubkey !== npub) {
this.remoteSigner = new NDKNip46Signer(
* when nsecbunker-delegated-key is regenerated we have to reinitialize the remote signer
if (this.remoteSigner.localSigner !== localSigner) {
this.remoteSigner = new NDKNip46Signer(
* Signs the nostr event and returns the sig and id or full raw nostr event
* @param npub stored in nsecBunker to sign with
* @param event to be signed
* @param returnFullEvent whether to return full raw nostr event or just SIG and ID values
public signWithNsecBunker = async (
npub: string | undefined,
event: NostrEvent,
returnFullEvent = true
): Promise<{ id: string; sig: string } | NostrEvent> => {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
.then(async (signer) => {
const ndkEvent = new NDKEvent(undefined, event)
const timeout = setTimeout(() => {
reject('Timeout occurred while waiting for event signing')
}, 60000) // 60000 ms (1 min) = 1000 * 60
await ndkEvent.sign(signer).catch((err) => {
if (returnFullEvent) {
} else {
sig: ndkEvent.sig!
.catch((err) => {
public static getInstance(): NostrController {
if (!NostrController.instance) {
NostrController.instance = new NostrController()
return NostrController.instance
* Encrypts the given content for the specified receiver using NIP-44 encryption.
* @param receiver The public key of the receiver.
* @param content The content to be encrypted.
* @returns The encrypted content as a string.
* @throws Error if the nostr extension does not support NIP-44, if the private key pair is not found, or if the login method is unsupported.
nip44Encrypt = async (receiver: string, content: string) => {
// Retrieve the current login method from the application's redux state.
const loginMethod = (store.getState().auth as AuthState).loginMethod
// Handle encryption when the login method is via an extension.
if (loginMethod === LoginMethods.extension) {
const nostr = this.getNostrObject()
// Check if the nostr object supports NIP-44 encryption.
if (!nostr.nip44) {
throw new Error(
`Your nostr extension does not support nip44 encryption & decryption`
// Encrypt the content using NIP-44 provided by the nostr extension.
const encrypted = await nostr.nip44.encrypt(receiver, content)
return encrypted as string
// Handle encryption when the login method is via a private key.
if (loginMethod === LoginMethods.privateKey) {
const keys = (store.getState().auth as AuthState).keyPair
// Check if the private and public key pair is available.
if (!keys) {
throw new Error(
`Login method is ${LoginMethods.privateKey} but private & public key pair is not found.`
// Decode the private key.
const { private: nsec } = keys
const privateKey = nip19.decode(nsec).data as Uint8Array
// Generate the conversation key using NIP-44 utilities.
const nip44ConversationKey = nip44.v2.utils.getConversationKey(
// Encrypt the content using the generated conversation key.
const encrypted = nip44.v2.encrypt(content, nip44ConversationKey)
return encrypted
// Throw an error if the login method is nsecBunker (not supported).
if (loginMethod === LoginMethods.nsecBunker) {
throw new Error(
`nip44 encryption is not yet supported for login method '${LoginMethods.nsecBunker}'`
// Throw an error if the login method is undefined or unsupported.
throw new Error('Login method is undefined')
* Decrypts the given content from the specified sender using NIP-44 decryption.
* @param sender The public key of the sender.
* @param content The encrypted content to be decrypted.
* @returns The decrypted content as a string.
* @throws Error if the nostr extension does not support NIP-44, if the private key pair is not found, or if the login method is unsupported.
nip44Decrypt = async (sender: string, content: string) => {
// Retrieve the current login method from the application's redux state.
const loginMethod = (store.getState().auth as AuthState).loginMethod
// Handle decryption when the login method is via an extension.
if (loginMethod === LoginMethods.extension) {
const nostr = this.getNostrObject()
// Check if the nostr object supports NIP-44 decryption.
if (!nostr.nip44) {
throw new Error(
`Your nostr extension does not support nip44 encryption & decryption`
// Decrypt the content using NIP-44 provided by the nostr extension.
const decrypted = await nostr.nip44.decrypt(sender, content)
return decrypted as string
// Handle decryption when the login method is via a private key.
if (loginMethod === LoginMethods.privateKey) {
const keys = (store.getState().auth as AuthState).keyPair
// Check if the private and public key pair is available.
if (!keys) {
throw new Error(
`Login method is ${LoginMethods.privateKey} but private & public key pair is not found.`
// Decode the private key.
const { private: nsec } = keys
const privateKey = nip19.decode(nsec).data as Uint8Array
// Generate the conversation key using NIP-44 utilities.
const nip44ConversationKey = nip44.v2.utils.getConversationKey(
// Decrypt the content using the generated conversation key.
const decrypted = nip44.v2.decrypt(content, nip44ConversationKey)
return decrypted
// Throw an error if the login method is nsecBunker (not supported).
if (loginMethod === LoginMethods.nsecBunker) {
throw new Error(
`nip44 decryption is not yet supported for login method '${LoginMethods.nsecBunker}'`
// Throw an error if the login method is undefined or unsupported.
throw new Error('Login method is undefined')
* Signs an event with private key (if it is present in local storage) or
* with browser extension (if it is present) or
* with nSecBunker instance.
* @param event - unsigned nostr event.
* @returns - a promised that is resolved with signed nostr event.
signEvent = async (
event: UnsignedEvent | EventTemplate
): Promise<SignedEvent> => {
const loginMethod = (store.getState().auth as AuthState).loginMethod
if (!loginMethod) {
return Promise.reject('No login method found in the browser storage')
if (loginMethod === LoginMethods.nsecBunker) {
// Check if nsecBunker is available
if (!this.bunkerNDK) {
return Promise.reject(
`Login method is ${loginMethod} but bunkerNDK is not created`
if (!this.remoteSigner) {
return Promise.reject(
`Login method is ${loginMethod} but bunkerNDK is not created`
const signedEvent = await this.signWithNsecBunker(
event as NostrEvent
).catch((err) => {
throw err
return Promise.resolve(signedEvent as SignedEvent)
} else if (loginMethod === LoginMethods.privateKey) {
const keys = (store.getState().auth as AuthState).keyPair
if (!keys) {
return Promise.reject(
`Login method is ${loginMethod}, but keys are not found`
const { private: nsec } = keys
const privateKey = nip19.decode(nsec).data as Uint8Array
const signedEvent = finalizeEvent(event, privateKey)
return Promise.resolve(signedEvent)
} else if (loginMethod === LoginMethods.extension) {
const nostr = this.getNostrObject()
return (await nostr
.signEvent(event as NostrEvent)
.catch((err: unknown) => {
console.log('Error while signing event: ', err)
throw err
})) as Event
} else {
return Promise.reject(
`We could not sign the event, none of the signing methods are available`
nip04Encrypt = async (receiver: string, content: string): Promise<string> => {
const loginMethod = (store.getState().auth as AuthState).loginMethod
if (loginMethod === LoginMethods.extension) {
const nostr = this.getNostrObject()
if (!nostr.nip04) {
throw new Error(
`Your nostr extension does not support nip04 encryption & decryption`
const encrypted = await nostr.nip04.encrypt(receiver, content)
return encrypted
if (loginMethod === LoginMethods.privateKey) {
const keys = (store.getState().auth as AuthState).keyPair
if (!keys) {
throw new Error(
`Login method is ${LoginMethods.privateKey} but private & public key pair is not found.`
const { private: nsec } = keys
const privateKey = nip19.decode(nsec).data as Uint8Array
const encrypted = await nip04.encrypt(privateKey, receiver, content)
return encrypted
if (loginMethod === LoginMethods.nsecBunker) {
const user = new NDKUser({ pubkey: receiver })
this.remoteSigner?.on('authUrl', (authUrl) => {
this.emit('nsecbunker-auth', authUrl)
if (!this.remoteSigner) throw new Error('Remote signer is undefined.')
const encrypted = await this.remoteSigner.encrypt(user, content)
return encrypted
throw new Error('Login method is undefined')
* Decrypts a given content based on the current login method.
* @param sender - The sender's public key.
* @param content - The encrypted content to decrypt.
* @returns A promise that resolves to the decrypted content.
nip04Decrypt = async (sender: string, content: string): Promise<string> => {
const loginMethod = (store.getState().auth as AuthState).loginMethod
if (loginMethod === LoginMethods.extension) {
const nostr = this.getNostrObject()
if (!nostr.nip04) {
throw new Error(
`Your nostr extension does not support nip04 encryption & decryption`
const decrypted = await nostr.nip04.decrypt(sender, content)
return decrypted
if (loginMethod === LoginMethods.privateKey) {
const keys = (store.getState().auth as AuthState).keyPair
if (!keys) {
throw new Error(
`Login method is ${LoginMethods.privateKey} but private & public key pair is not found.`
const { private: nsec } = keys
const privateKey = nip19.decode(nsec).data as Uint8Array
const decrypted = await nip04.decrypt(privateKey, sender, content)
return decrypted
if (loginMethod === LoginMethods.nsecBunker) {
const user = new NDKUser({ pubkey: sender })
this.remoteSigner?.on('authUrl', (authUrl) => {
this.emit('nsecbunker-auth', authUrl)
if (!this.remoteSigner) throw new Error('Remote signer is undefined.')
const decrypted = await this.remoteSigner.decrypt(user, content)
return decrypted
throw new Error('Login method is undefined')
* Function will capture the public key from the nostr extension or if no extension present
* function wil capture the public key from the local storage
capturePublicKey = async (): Promise<string> => {
const nostr = this.getNostrObject()
const pubKey = await nostr.getPublicKey().catch((err: unknown) => {
if (err instanceof Error) {
return Promise.reject(err.message)
} else {
return Promise.reject(JSON.stringify(err))
if (!pubKey) {
return Promise.reject('Error getting public key, user canceled')
return Promise.resolve(pubKey)
* Generates NDK Private Signer
* @returns nSecBunker delegated key
generateDelegatedKey = (): string => {
return NDKPrivateKeySigner.generate().privateKey!