99 lines
2.9 KiB

import { NDKEvent, NDKSubscription } from '@nostr-dev-kit/ndk'
import { EventTemplate } from 'nostr-tools'
import { NostrController } from '../controllers'
import { setRelayInfoAction } from '../store/actions'
import { RelayInfoObject } from '../types'
import { compareObjects, unixNow } from '../utils'
import { useAppDispatch, useAppSelector } from './store'
import { useNDKContext } from './useNDKContext'
export const useDvm = () => {
const dvmRelays = [
const relayInfo = useAppSelector((state) =>
const { ndk, publish } = useNDKContext()
const dispatch = useAppDispatch()
* Sets information about relays into app state.
* @param relayURIs - relay URIs to get information about
const getRelayInfo = async (relayURIs: string[]) => {
// initialize job request
const jobEventTemplate: EventTemplate = {
content: '',
created_at: unixNow(),
kind: 68001,
tags: [
['i', `${JSON.stringify(relayURIs)}`],
['j', 'relay-info']
const nostrController = NostrController.getInstance()
// sign job request event
const jobSignedEvent = await nostrController.signEvent(jobEventTemplate)
// publish job request
const ndkEvent = new NDKEvent(ndk, jobSignedEvent)
await publish(ndkEvent, dvmRelays)
const subscribeWithTimeout = (
subscription: NDKSubscription,
timeoutMs: number
): Promise<string> => {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
const eventHandler = (event: NDKEvent) => {
subscription.on('event', eventHandler)
// Set up a timeout to stop the subscription after a specified time
const timeout = setTimeout(() => {
subscription.stop() // Stop the subscription
reject(new Error('Subscription timed out')) // Reject the promise with a timeout error
}, timeoutMs)
// Handle subscription close event
subscription.on('close', () => clearTimeout(timeout))
// filter for getting DVM job's result
const sub = ndk.subscribe({
kinds: [68002 as number],
'#e': [],
'#p': [jobSignedEvent.pubkey]
// asynchronously get relay info from dvm job with 20 seconds timeout
const dvmJobResult = await subscribeWithTimeout(sub, 20000)
if (!dvmJobResult) {
return Promise.reject(`Relay(s) information wasn't received`)
let newRelaysInfo: RelayInfoObject
try {
newRelaysInfo = JSON.parse(dvmJobResult)
} catch (error) {
return Promise.reject(`Invalid relay(s) information.`)
if (newRelaysInfo && !compareObjects(relayInfo, newRelaysInfo)) {
return { getRelayInfo }