All checks were successful
Release to Production / build_and_release (push) Successful in 29s
1.3 KiB
1.3 KiB
SIGits can be signed in any order.
Nostr Event
This event is designed to provide clarity (when signing) about the agreement being created. It is NOT published to a relay - instead, it is saved in an encrypted zip.
"kind": 1603,
"content": "You are signing an Agreement Template for the following npubs:\n- npub1\n- npub2\n\nEnsure this event is sourced from a trusted SIGit instance.",
"created_at": 1716564780,
"id": "...",
"sig": "...",
"pubkey": "pubkey of SIGNER",
["prevsig","xxx"], // sig of kind 160300 (create) event
["meta","hash1"] // the hash of the meta.json file
Encrypted Zip File
This file contains the following:
- "marked" folder (offline only) - containing marked pdfs
- "files" folder (offline only) - containing original pdfs
- "events" folder:
- sign Event (1603)
- create event (160300), for verification
- OTS request event
- OTS response event(s)
- meta.json file - contains the marks information
The keys.json looks like this:
"kind": 160301,
"content": "",
"created_at": 1716564780,
"id": "...",
"sig": "",
"pubkey": "random pubkey",
["filehash",<optional list of blossom servers>],
["array of decryption keys", "encrypted to each recipient"]