semantic-release-bot eb2aa98860 chore(release): 1.0.0 [skip ci]
# 1.0.0 (2025-01-31)

### Bug Fixes

* add default title for sigit ([ef5376e](ef5376e2d1))
* add default typography styles ([2cd851a](2cd851a7c1))
* add file and page index, hide select if not active ([5f92906](5f92906032))
* add files and marked to sign page exports ([9dd190d](9dd190d65b))
* add keys and show name for counterparts ([8267eb6](8267eb624b))
* add mark label ([c3dacbe](c3dacbe111))
* add missing null and reduce warning limit ([bec3c92](bec3c92b03))
* add parantheses, invoke unixNow ([07d25eb](07d25ebbd2))
* add Roboto font ([6a1f04e](6a1f04ec6b))
* add show username ([62c1f1b](62c1f1b37b))
* add small avatar when select is not showing ([d8d51be](d8d51be603))
* add timeout in publishing updated app data and sending notifications ([6b135ac](6b135ac54d))
* add types to rootReducer, rename userRobotImage types ([70f6464](70f646444b))
* adding link to source and updating home page wording ([c3d5a10](c3d5a1042c))
* addressing comments ([8d8c38e](8d8c38e90b))
* adds notifications ([f38344b](f38344b9ac))
* AGPL Licence, closes [#197](#197) ([55abe81](55abe814c9))
* amends RelayMap to return a default sigit relay when no other relays are found ([2355da0](2355da02d2))
* amends the relay look up method to return default relay set ([52fe523](52fe523196))
* app bar z-index ([87c6807](87c6807ba0))
* arrayBuffer access ([b3fc3c6](b3fc3c6715))
* background overlap ([202c98c](202c98c94c))
* bad margin value ([734026b](734026b2ee))
* better UX when clicking on logo when on home screen or `home` button in footer ([834d70d](834d70d774))
* bug, when valid npub, clicking + was saying npub was invalid ([99fa3ad](99fa3add56))
* build failing due to type issue ([652ea06](652ea06c0d))
* button colour ([4c04c12](4c04c12403))
* card icons ([0d49c49](0d49c49459))
* center block scrolling on mark items ([aec0d0b](aec0d0bdd8))
* change sign to create ([f35f469](f35f469547))
* **ci:** add license check in staging workflow ([4af5781](4af578133c))
* **ci:** fix hook colors ([ea7fde4](ea7fde4b38))
* **CI:** fixed secret ([3e360aa](3e360aab15))
* **ci:** run lint-staged always, fix lint-stage commands ([d43067f](d43067f70e))
* clear hasSubscribed after the logout ([1d1986f](1d1986f082))
* clicking logo not redirecting to home ([69efd9e](69efd9e09d))
* clicking on marked fileds is losing input text/squiggle, squiggle field is mobile friendly ([602e23c](602e23c719))
* color scheme ([d7f9807](d7f9807e20))
* **column-layout:** wrap content column to prevent expanding ([a8020e6](a8020e6db2))
* composition for links and buttons ([804bb6c](804bb6c9ac))
* convert npub/nip05 to lowercase on adding as signer/viewer ([fff0fd7](fff0fd762d))
* counterpart search NIP05 glitching ([0fd0f26](0fd0f26fc7))
* create page, improving message "preparing document for signing" ([98fbe80](98fbe80648))
* **create-page:** file list ([1caeb48](1caeb48e6c))
* **create-page:** only show signers in counterpart select ([29e6c85](29e6c85150))
* **create-page:** show other file types in content ([b12ce25](b12ce258eb))
* **create:** block if no signers ([15aaef9](15aaef948d))
* **create:** remove small drawn fields ([902ad73](902ad73faf)), closes [#234](#234)
* **create:** throw on mark with no counterpart ([624afae](624afae851))
* **create:** uploading file adds to the existing file list, dedupe file list ([6d78d9e](6d78d9ed64)), closes [#184](#184)
* **deps:** update axios ([115a397](115a3974e2))
* disable login, register fields, add coming soon ([0a74ad9](0a74ad97b2))
* disables redundant metaInNavState updates ([7463384](746338465d))
* display `no results` when no submissions are found ([bbe34b6](bbe34b6011))
* displays complete marks from other users ([4d4a5b6](4d4a5b63cf))
* **DM:** removed direct download link ([0fab6b5](0fab6b5cdc))
* **draw:** add resize cursor to resize handle ([0d1a7ba](0d1a7ba171))
* **drawfield:** match label and select ([923a47b](923a47b4d0))
* **drawing:** clamp DrawField within img ([2f54184](2f54184625)), closes [#154](#154)
* enable verify button ([f4a837a](f4a837ae09))
* entering decryption key manually does not work because of encoded URI ([e498ecb](e498ecb082))
* **errors:** add custom timeout error ([9c545a4](9c545a477c))
* failed DM error handling ([608400d](608400d010))
* false positive case of ([307f32b](307f32bb7b))
* fetch app data from after login ([fa7a6e8](fa7a6e85f4))
* file path ([79f37a8](79f37a842f))
* **files:** show other file types in content for create, fix sign and verify error ([86095cb](86095cba5c))
* first find metadata on purplepag relay and then try other relays ([6981bef](6981bef65a))
* font url typo ([fcd00d9](fcd00d9e9c))
* fonts ([aa5aa60](aa5aa60c6a))
* footer 'Home' button scroll to top when on home page, fixed logic ([afbe05b](afbe05b4c8))
* footer buttons ([e280e87](e280e87342))
* footer padding and responsiveness ([45f0764](45f0764fa8))
* footer portal on relays ([ebd5947](ebd59471c7))
* format fixed for iv in encryption key ([c4ef090](c4ef090f3c))
* gap, spacing ([99856fd](99856fd8f2))
* getRobohash function will do the conversion of pubkey ([9aa1066](9aa10664a7))
* **git-hooks:** add executable flag ([7b5a122](7b5a12246d))
* handle navigation after create ([00db735](00db735106))
* handle the case when zip entry is undefined ([e4675af](e4675af4dd))
* hanlde error in decryption of zip file ([660efb3](660efb3b67))
* home screen style fixed for mobile view ([6f8830a](6f8830a77c))
* **home-page:** sigit file type display now correctly shows multiple file types ([acc8c84](acc8c84617))
* **home:** focus outlines and decorations ([72d0e06](72d0e065ea))
* homepage alpha warning ([867e1b8](867e1b88c2))
* IconButton conflict, username layout ([9dae3a4](9dae3a48be))
* icons, use FontAwesome package ([6f4737d](6f4737d75c))
* If creator is not the first signer we should not redirect to /sign page ([ee3e0e1](ee3e0e1bb1))
* improve font support ([a63ea91](a63ea913d9))
* in pdf marking if counterpart does not have any of name, displayname, username then show pubkey ([42d74c6](42d74c656a))
* In sign page, when doc is fully signed, update search params with update file url and key ([05c3f49](05c3f49a17))
* include hidden folders in surfer upload ([970c5f5](970c5f5e8b))
* include purplepage and userkindpages relays when searching for user in create page ([8a9910d](8a9910db87))
* including signatures in both export and encrypted export ([6716c3d](6716c3da63))
* increased timeout for extension user prompt ([2c2eeba](2c2eeba83f))
* inform user then search term provided no results ([24463a5](24463a53c5))
* inlined svg background images ([c22b1e4](c22b1e4b5a))
* input font-family inherit ([f21d158](f21d158a8e))
* label ([0163d51](0163d51155))
* landing page ([cc9fb50](cc9fb50b07))
* landing page wording ([4dd6b6d](4dd6b6d7a4))
* last signer as default next ([39934f5](39934f59c3))
* leaky styling and warnings ([6f88f22](6f88f22933)), closes [#147](#147)
* **lint:** add deps, remove any, update warning limit ([61f39d1](61f39d17ff))
* **lint:** update warning limit ([404f4aa](404f4aa3a1))
* list item key ([c7dfb28](c7dfb2864a))
* loading spinner states, timestamp the file, and lint fixes ([748cb16](748cb16f9f))
* loading spinner, improve desc readability, use favicon instead of circle ([5a4da18](5a4da1834b))
* **loading:** make sure the default spinner is absolute relative to root always ([4bc5882](4bc5882ab6))
* login with hex key does not work, missing proper error when nsec or private key is wrong ([213ae79](213ae79bf5))
* **login:** extension login infinite loading ([7c80643](7c80643aba)), closes [#196](#196)
* **Login:** fixed loginWithExtension func ([be4e7ab](be4e7ab2bd))
* **login:** redirect to landing instead of login popup page ([84062f2](84062f2ed0))
* **login:** update login method before using nostrController instance ([1f98020](1f980201dd))
* **login:** use const and make sure to clear timeout always ([17c1700](17c1700554))
* logout user if decryption fails due to diff pubkeys ([c96a7fa](c96a7fac4f))
* logout user if signEvent's and auth's pubkeys are diff ([8153ef0](8153ef03fb))
* **LogOut:** used log out action instead of clearState utility ([803e242](803e242b01))
* looping trough robo sets, image not shown when visiting profile while not logged in ([6604ea2](6604ea2046))
* main css background, avoid overscroll showing white edge ([7570123](757012399a))
* manage pending relay connection requests ([f9fcfb1](f9fcfb1c9e))
* **mark:** css position ([413da78](413da78c5c))
* marking ([b22f577](b22f577cc2))
* **marks:** add default signer ([dfdcb84](dfdcb8419d))
* **marks:** add file grouping for marks, fix read pdf types ([b6479db](b6479db266))
* **marks:** assign selectedMarkValue to currentValue and mark.value ([78060fa](78060fa15f))
* **mark:** scroll into marks, add scroll margin and forwardRef ([82b7b9f](82b7b9f7ce)), closes [#172](#172)
* **MetadataController:** fixed getting popular relays ([026537c](026537c75b))
* missing id/name on custom select input ([d0e3704](d0e3704ed6))
* **mobile:** active tab default state and styling ([6f7d4c9](6f7d4c9dcf))
* **mobile:** use dynamic vh and one-by-one horizontal scroll ([3628137](36281376bc))
* modal override removed ([64b6f83](64b6f8309f))
* move nostr login to nostr route ([3c22429](3c22429941))
* moves sample data to a separate json file ([1de8e89](1de8e89beb))
* moves styling to SVG ([38cd88f](38cd88fd86))
* navigation to profile page from username component ([d502474](d5024745f1))
* nested a links in card ([e4a7fa4](e4a7fa4892))
* next signer and spinner anim duration ([d8adb2c](d8adb2c744))
* no need to listen for authUrl in createNsecBunkerSigner method of NostrController ([3626368](3626368e95))
* node version bump from 18 to 20 ([354312b](354312bd96))
* nostr-login custom outbox relays ([555504f](555504f42f))
* nsec login, metadata overlapping, robohash image in metadata state ([e3e15b7](e3e15b7af1))
* **Offline:** fixed host ([7be9897](7be98978dd))
* **online-detection:** use relative url ([8b4f1a8](8b4f1a8973))
* Opening a sigit asks you to sign when you are not the next signer ([ae3d461](ae3d461661))
* opening link to sign a file while not logged in is not redirecting correctly ([eff8827](eff8827a86))
* optional label for download button in filelist ([3c230e6](3c230e6fb4))
* outdated cache checks ([f0ba9da](f0ba9da8af))
* page scrolling ([97c8271](97c82718cb))
* pdf to png scaling is 1, bottom position is now included ([4556bd0](4556bd0c66))
* **pdf:** add border to style ([ecc1707](ecc1707212))
* **pdf:** add proper default  width value ([a442e71](a442e71087))
* **pdf:** dynamic mark scaling ([ea09daa](ea09daa669))
* **pdf:** font style consistency ([31f3675](31f36750cd))
* pdfjs import ([d5e0769](d5e0769692))
* **pdf:** keep upscaling to match viewport ([43beac4](43beac48e8))
* **pdf:** mark embedding, position, multiline, & placeholder ([f35e271](f35e2718ab)), closes [#176](#176) [#178](#178)
* **pdf:** reuse content width function ([59c3fc6](59c3fc69a2))
* **pdf:** scaling and font styles consistency ([ac3186a](ac3186a02e)), closes [#146](#146)
* **pdf:** scaling on resize, add avatars to counterpart select ([4712031](4712031615))
* **pdf:** use minified version of pdf ([a3effd8](a3effd878b))
* placeholder avatar is incosistent across components ([d15943f](d15943f61b))
* popup forms designs ([e3ca3ab](e3ca3ab908))
* processing events ([25764c7](25764c7ab4))
* processing gift wraps and notifications ([#193](#193)) ([235e76b](235e76be4e))
* profile image scale ([58c457b](58c457b62c))
* profile page styling ([67e5c19](67e5c19870))
* profile picture inconsistencies, login with enter ([5f8e8fd](5f8e8fd6f4))
* push all files take 2 ([24916c5](24916c5806))
* reduce mui usage, implement design updates ([9189ff3](9189ff33bc))
* redundant updates ([2d0212f](2d0212fd6c))
* **relay-controller:** sigit relay immutability and relay list ([e0d6c03](e0d6c03639))
* **relays:** allow adding ws:// ([04f1d69](04f1d692a4)), closes [#297](#297)
* **relays:** relay add button size height ([5f3d92d](5f3d92d62f)), closes [#244](#244)
* removal of create nostr auth token ([60a7140](60a7140c6a))
* remove both from UserRole enum ([b527339](b5273393e6))
* remove duplicate states and fix default signer ([e05d3e5](e05d3e53a2))
* remove nostr image for placeholder avatar, use robohash instead ([4f4f7fb](4f4f7fb5c1))
* remove placeholder used for text ([d0a6297](d0a6297cce))
* remove screen on nostr-login launch ([8689c7f](8689c7f753))
* remove unstable fetch events loop ([5f0234a](5f0234a358))
* removed redundant variable ([2455856](245585662a))
* removed viewer/signer button ([2f9017b](2f9017b840))
* removes retrier and updates notification ([3d5006a](3d5006a715))
* removes unneeded notification ([b7bd922](b7bd922af3))
* removing file upload, avatar by robohash ([8e76202](8e7620201e))
* replace sign with upload in homepage ([021db56](021db5679a))
* return immediately from publish event when published to at least one relay and keep publishing to other in background ([7df6ab8](7df6ab8c84))
* reverting signing of nostr auth token ([38913e7](38913e770d))
* review suggestion ([15d4d0a](15d4d0a752))
* **review:** remove inline styles ([b8811d7](b8811d730a))
* robohash image missing with NIP05 login ([9baf0ec](9baf0ecaba))
* routing, removed useEffect ([8e71592](8e71592d88))
* search bar scaling ([272fcf9](272fcf93c6))
* search counterparts nip05 does not need to include '@' ([7b29d70](7b29d7055e))
* selected mark selection ([0d52cd7](0d52cd7113))
* show error if decrypt fails ([cc382f0](cc382f0726))
* show extension box for non-mark files, de-dupe css and code ([05a2dba](05a2dba164)), closes [#138](#138)
* show import/export only for local ([67d545d](67d545de2f))
* sigit links and outline ([21caaa7](21caaa7009))
* sigit's wrapper zip should contain keys.json file ([ded8304](ded8304c66))
* **sigit:** add to submittedBy avatar badge for verified sigit creation ([b2c3cf2](b2c3cf2aca))
* **sigit:** excel extension typo, more excel types ([6b5a8a7](6b5a8a7375))
* sign buttons styles ([8c97476](8c974768a8))
* **sign:** allow signing without marks, hide loading and show toast for prevSig error ([20d1170](20d1170f7d))
* **sign:** allow signing without selectedMark - no currentUserMarks ([92f23ba](92f23bab91))
* **sign:** allow sumit without selectedMark ([cb0d2dd](cb0d2dd7bc))
* **sign:** always show PdfView ([8df5084](8df5084703))
* **signature:** force re-render on value change ([a1c3087](a1c308727f))
* signing order ([ec305c4](ec305c417b))
* simplify events, more ts and clean up ([6641cf2](6641cf2ee7))
* some linter warnings and an error ([f51afe3](f51afe3b67))
* **spinner:** remove dummy desc and use variants ([d1b9eb5](d1b9eb55d8))
* styles fixed in homepage ([6553ed8](6553ed89e0))
* styling ([2f29ea9](2f29ea9f35))
* styling ([d41d577](d41d577c29))
* styling ([e681513](e681513785))
* styling ([551a3f8](551a3f8509))
* styling ([12fe476](12fe476e97))
* svg attributes ([3a93622](3a93622966))
* **tabs:** add tab icons ([2be7f3d](2be7f3d51b))
* take 3 all files ([02f250c](02f250c76e))
* take 4 (all files) ([abf9c3e](abf9c3e4fd))
* take 5 files ([ea3f618](ea3f61897c))
* take 6 ([400d192](400d192fb0))
* take 7 ([3f944bd](3f944bdf73))
* title text align ([c5b1a9b](c5b1a9b380))
* toggle ([3549b6e](3549b6e542))
* top level container wrapper for other pages ([53b7b05](53b7b05ac5))
* typo ([6c5ed3a](6c5ed3a69c))
* unzip and use timeout util ([8b00ef5](8b00ef538b))
* update buttons and button icon design ([28184ab](28184ab038))
* update design buttons ([5d59ffc](5d59ffce28))
* update DM wording ([de00b9b](de00b9b5a7))
* update footer  design ([af689a0](af689a00f7))
* update logo and favicon ([017d1ab](017d1ab88b))
* update nsecBunker delegated key after logout ([962b2bc](962b2bcea6))
* update online and offline flows ([e8da0dc](e8da0dc76f))
* update popup design ([55158fc](55158fc313))
* update the logic for login with nsecbunker ([7c3c061](7c3c061b88))
* update the url in DM to contain fileUrl and encryption key ([9fa3df3](9fa3df3850))
* update user placeholder for create ([e7b0bbe](e7b0bbe23c))
* update verify to use file signature check ([18637bb](18637bbbc1))
* updated latest version of nostr-login which includes outboxRelays option ([6f6ed3c](6f6ed3c39f))
* updates blossom authorisation event ([dd53ded](dd53ded518))
* updating title on homepage ([481ef6c](481ef6cdc2))
* url ([79ef9eb](79ef9eb8d6))
* url encode the DM link payload ([38def3b](38def3bda5))
* use correct key for signer status, update signer badge icons ([3743a30](3743a30ef6))
* use dedicated key from nip78 in auth event for uploading ([8eaf9cb](8eaf9cb61c))
* use default relayMap if its undefined in redux store ([d7b5ea9](d7b5ea9b9e))
* use hash router instead of browser router ([3d980ca](3d980ca2e7))
* use iframe for nsecbunker auth ([c99a2a8](c99a2a81c2))
* use kind 0 event for nostr joining block ([9bb62cf](9bb62cf966))
* use kind 27235 in place of kind 1 wherever possible ([9073419](90734196e5))
* use old approach of using sha256 for generating d tag ([49c1714](49c1714962))
* use relays from nip65 for broadcasting DMs ([349e26b](349e26b628))
* userRobotImage reducer type fix ([ccc31c5](ccc31c51c9))
* useSigitProfile dep ([329fd3d](329fd3d27b))
* verify page robohash ([5e114f7](5e114f7fb8))
* **verify-page:** add mark styling ([423b6b6](423b6b6792))
* **verify-page:** export (download) files now includes files ([7278485](7278485b76))
* **verify-page:** map item keys ([58f70db](58f70db7f6))
* **verify-page:** parse and show mark values ([f88e2ad](f88e2ad680))
* **verify-page:** remove mark border in production, enable dev flag for css classes ([c3a3915](c3a39157ff))
* verify/sign link ([e48a396](e48a396990))
* **verify:** offline flow ([759a40a](759a40a4f9))
* when decrypting file, have better error messages ([5d6a358](5d6a3580a6))
* when opening a sigit after user signed it, asks user to sign again instead of redirecting to /verify ([ccb4036](ccb4036029))
* wording of adding counterparties ([33d58a2](33d58a2166))
* works offline card icon ([baa1a7b](baa1a7b040))

### Code Refactoring

* use signature pad, smoother signature line ([7c7a222](7c7a222d4f))

### Features

* ability to change the order of signers in create screen ([8deaae8](8deaae80de))
* add background images ([e9a1b98](e9a1b9894c))
* add banner and styling ([5f39b55](5f39b55f68))
* add cache setting page ([278d965](278d9655f6))
* add children support to routes arrays ([0b35f11](0b35f11abf))
* add color border to user's profile picture based on first 6 character of user's hexkey ([89850f8](89850f881d))
* add custom Container component for layouts ([e54eced](e54eced800))
* add dropzone and multiple files support ([83ddc1b](83ddc1bbc8))
* add exportedBy to useSigitMeta ([13254fb](13254fbe06))
* add MarkConfig and components ([dfa2832](dfa2832e8d))
* add minimal styling secondary button ([9a1d3d9](9a1d3d98bf))
* add modal with login, register, nostr routes ([868ae6f](868ae6f23e))
* add nostrLoginAuthMethod to state ([110621a](110621a125))
* add prev signer's signature in the content of next signer's signed event ([7947abf](7947abf0f9))
* Add Sigit ID as a path param ([75a715d](75a715d002))
* Add Sigit ID as a Path Param to /verify ([0008e98](0008e98146))
* add simple spinner wrapper ([01ca81b](01ca81be2a))
* add squiggle support ([de44370](de44370a96))
* add sticky layout with slots ([dfe67b9](dfe67b99ad))
* add sticky layout with slots ([e16b8cf](e16b8cfe3f))
* add SVGO, enable signature ([9286e43](9286e4304f))
* add the ability to create and sign while user is offline ([c3c9bf7](c3c9bf772d))
* add uploaded image file as preview ([ae08b07](ae08b07d74))
* add UserAvatar, UserIconButton ([20bb05d](20bb05ddc6)), closes [#68](#68)
* add verify link in landing page ([8884389](8884389c6a))
* add verify page ([5c14402](5c1440244c))
* added a local cache based on browsers built in indexDB ([5b1147d](5b1147da5d))
* added a setting page ([e82023f](e82023f105))
* added hashes.json in zip ([d879c7d](d879c7d45a))
* added ndkContext and used it in relays page ([3c061d5](3c061d5920))
* added nsecbunker setting page ([b2a8cff](b2a8cff907))
* added profile banner ([6eedfb8](6eedfb8f3f))
* added profile view ([5d0076d](5d0076dd62))
* added the ability to login with nsecbunker connection string ([4973721](4973721608))
* added the ability to re-broadcast sigit ([5db4d1b](5db4d1b429))
* allow the user to login via nsecbunker using only domain part ([3efa557](3efa557976))
* **auth:** nsec login with url params ([995c7ce](995c7ce293))
* changed MIME type of the uploaded file to sigit ([4e7f9d6](4e7f9d650e))
* **ci:** add git hooks ([70f625f](70f625ffd1))
* **ci:** add lint-staged in pre-commit ([84d1379](84d13793ff))
* **ci:** add open pr workflow ([5290dda](5290dda52a))
* configured semantic releases ([c0b9039](c0b903929d))
* **content:** show other file types as gray box ([c9d7d0a](c9d7d0a6f5))
* convert hexkeys to npub in meta.json ([ee2f0cb](ee2f0cbc97))
* create page search users ([4af28ab](4af28abcb6))
* create signing request and send a DM to first signer with zip file url and encryption key ([bd1e841](bd1e8417c1))
* **create-page:** intial layout and page styling ([86c8cc0](86c8cc00fd))
* **create:** add counterpart component for drawing field ([4131eb5](4131eb5de1))
* **create:** add Image and File items ([889d6a0](889d6a0f44))
* **create:** touch support for dnd ([3e07575](3e075754e5))
* custom select component ([8d16831](8d168314de))
* **dashboard:** add sigits filtering, sorting, searching ([becd021](becd02153c))
* **export:** add icons and make encrypted be first/top option ([99d562a](99d562a3ed))
* extension icon label util component ([c3f60b1](c3f60b1e64))
* handle root _@ users on add counterpart ([897daaa](897daaa1fa))
* **home:** add search param to address bar and sync the state with navigation ([93b2477](93b2477839))
* implemented profile page ([c0547b2](c0547b2a1f))
* implemented relay controller and use that for fetching and publishing events ([a775d7b](a775d7b265))
* implemented the UI and logic for signing document ([a32abaf](a32abaf9e7))
* improve design for homepage ([de4d927](de4d927c73))
* improve verification process ([6611a85](6611a855d9))
* in offline mode navigate creator to sign screen after creation when creator is first signer ([1f7980e](1f7980e2ca))
* In sign page navigate to verify after export ([8f463b3](8f463b36c0))
* include the original files always ([db9cf9d](db9cf9d20c))
* landing page - larger cta button ([3149ba9](3149ba9757))
* landing page - responsive cards ([87e4536](87e4536713))
* landing page implementation and styling ([0a61ae5](0a61ae5f64))
* **loading-spinner:** add children support for default variant ([4d1e672](4d1e672268))
* logo and favicon ([a36ed8e](a36ed8eab0))
* maintain logged in sesssion ([2ed092b](2ed092bcbd))
* make block number link that will refernce to the event ([37bc205](37bc205ce4))
* make verify page public and add verify option in user menu list ([12ca854](12ca854c48))
* **meta:** add error handling for meta.json blossom operations ([7007492](7007492a0d))
* **meta:** send notifications with blossom instead of meta.json ([3d1bdec](3d1bdece4d))
* **mobile:** tabs and scrolling ([d9be051](d9be05165f))
* navigate to different pages based on uploaded file ([92b62a3](92b62a3cbe))
* nostr.json ([bb37a27](bb37a27321))
* **offline:** add decrypt as zip util ([8b5abe0](8b5abe02e2))
* **offline:** add signer service util class ([bcd5713](bcd57138ca))
* **offline:** split online and offline flow with dedicated buttons, remove export in sign, all counterparties can decrypt ([3f01ab8](3f01ab8fca))
* **opentimestamps:** adds OTS library and retrier function ([edfe9a2](edfe9a2954))
* **opentimestamps:** adds timestamps to create flow ([85bcfac](85bcfac2e0))
* **opentimestamps:** amends to flow to only upgrade users timestamps ([f12aaf1](f12aaf1c2b))
* **opentimestamps:** refactors to timestamp the nostr event id ([07f1a15](07f1a15aa1))
* **opentimestamps:** update the full flow ([21aa25a](21aa25a42a))
* **opentimestamps:** updates data model ([85bf907](85bf907f54))
* **opentimestamps:** updates data model and useSigitMeta hook ([edbe708](edbe708b65))
* **opentimestamps:** updates opentimestamps type ([b92790c](b92790ceed))
* **opentimestamps:** updates signing flow ([7f00f9e](7f00f9e8bf))
* **opentimestamps:** updates the flow and adds notifications ([2b630c9](2b630c94b6))
* **opentimestamps:** updates tooltip ([19b815e](19b815e528))
* **opentimestamps:** updates utils and adds comments ([a2138f1](a2138f1de1))
* **PDF Management:** added pdf pages preview with fields list ([e715f6a](e715f6ae6f))
* **pdf markings:** added drawing component, parsing pdfs and displaying in the UI ([8576034](8576034829))
* **pdf-fields:** add logic to hide signers on ESC ([e37f90d](e37f90d6db))
* **pdf-marking:** add pdf-view components ([b58ba62](b58ba625f9))
* **pdf-marking:** adds file downloading functionality ([6d881cc](6d881ccb45))
* **pdf-marking:** adds file validity check ([eca31ce](eca31cea4f))
* **pdf-marking:** adds file validity check ([ed7acd6](ed7acd6cb4))
* **pdf-marking:** binds text to marks and saves with signatures ([4a932ff](4a932ffe03))
* **pdf-marking:** implements png to pdf conversion and ability to download full sigits after signing ([cb9a443](cb9a443fb1))
* **pdf-marking:** integrates layouts ([64dbd7d](64dbd7d479))
* **pdf-marking:** integrates UserDetails ([2becab9](2becab9f79))
* **pdf-marking:** updates design and functionality of the pdf marking form ([ed0158e](ed0158e817))
* **pdf-marking:** updates mark type and adds pdf-view components ([296b135](296b135c06))
* **profile:** picture upload, robohash, website, npub cash ([041bd0d](041bd0daff))
* **Relay:** added methods to get info, most popular, connect and disconnect from relays ([ffb2379](ffb237991c))
* **Relays:** added logic to manage relays ([64f8227](64f822743f))
* **Relays:** improved relays page ([c37e8f3](c37e8f36c2))
* search users by nip05, npub and filter: serach, improved UX ([6c7cac2](6c7cac2336))
* show block number on user profile ([1eed099](1eed099059))
* Sign Directly From the Marking Screen fix: Marking inputs glitches, losing values ([0a0a9be](0a0a9bef34))
* **signature:** export signature files ([cdf26b6](cdf26b6614))
* **signature:** signature pad encrypt, upload, fetch, decrypt, render, add to pdf ([9551750](9551750cbe))
* **signature:** verify hash ([a371e98](a371e98e9e))
* **signers-dropdown:** improved hiding/displaying logic ([76b1fa7](76b1fa792c))
* **Store:** configured relays state ([106827b](106827b6da))
* update findMetadata method of metadata controller ([2b96172](2b9617232e))
* update signing flow ([1f9954b](1f9954befd))
* use nip04 for encryption and decryption of userData to store on blossom server ([18270c5](18270c5d8a))
* **verify-page:** add files view and content images ([2c586f3](2c586f3c13))

### Reverts

* "feat(pdf-marking): adds file validity check" ([268a4db](268a4db3ff))


* mark.value type changed
2025-01-31 14:48:48 +00:00
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2024-02-27 19:03:15 +05:00


SIGit is a decentralised document signing tool, currently under active development. Document Signing is a $30 billion industry yet has two major structural flaws:

  • Your signing provider can read ALL your documents (and even use them to train their proprietary AI)
  • Your signatories do not own their keys (cloud email and/or SMS are not secure)

The trouble, of course, is all the trust that is required to make things work.

SIGit is a signing technology that is more secure and private than any off-the-shelf self-hosted or SaaS based solution. This is a result of two design factors:

  1. The use of NOSTR for identity and key management (not your keys, not your signature)
  2. Encryption of documents at every stage (we have no idea what you are signing)

Of course, being built on the Nostr relay network, you can sign documents and build business relationships even in the most adversarial of regulatory environments.

The source for this repo is:

If you'd like to submit PRs or issues (which are very welcome) please reach out by DM for an invite to the source repo:

We expect to have an MVP by the summer, if you are interested in being an early tester, do reach out on

No description provided Readme AGPL-3.0 19 MiB
v1.0.4 Latest
2025-01-31 22:23:09 +00:00
TypeScript 91.5%
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